Science of Wholeness Metaphysical Discussion Forum

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Science of Wholeness Metaphysical Discussion Forum
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World and Universal Service Work.

As each individual starts their ascension, World Service work is revealed to them.

The consciousness is raised in small increments, therefore the initial tasks are appropos to the consciousness raised.

As more consciousness is acquired, the tasks become larger, more meaningful in terms of healing and change, at a global level.
Especially in the knowledge of realms and dimensions - those realms that are supporting and assisting ascension, and the realms that are not.

This is because having the knowledge of the upper dimensional realms, their truths and purpose, their specific work in Ascension, means you will be working very closely in collaboration with such.
To have the truths of the upper dimensions, one cannot- not work closely, it comes with the knowledge.
And to have this knowledge, and this intense collaboration, one will also have many tools.
The Divine Intervention of EarthMother, Nature Realms, Guardians, Ancestors, Source, Elementals, and Tao – is through the varying tools one has.

Acquire the tools, have the communion
Have the communion, have the information
Have the information, have the protection
Have the protection, fulfil all World Service.

There are many tools, the ascending initiate can use, however many require interpretation. Dreams, lucid dreaming/conscious dreaming, visions, kineseology, symbology from Nature and Soul, even each tarot layout, requires proper interpreting. The best interpreting tool is the pendulum and muscle-testing.
Without tools and without a proper method of interpreting, the initiate will not be given any information, because it is seen the individual has no means to interprete correctly what they ARE getting.

You can put this to the test.
If you are not remembering your dreams, even though you may have been a vivid dreamer once. Or they are just sketchy and inconsistent. Do this.
Start a dream journal.
Paste a list of questions in the front of the journal, to ask of each dream (these are the questions that will get you to the correct answers)
Put the journal and pencil under your pillow each night.

You now have two integral tools – the journal AND the list of very specific questions, soul are desiring we ask of each dream or vision.
The communing work can now begin in earnest.

The same methods are used for having ones Universal Service work revealed.
One of the main tools for conscious raising and Universal Service work are the crop circles, and the other tool is ‘communing’.

The initiate does not confer with other individuals on what the crop circles mean, but confers with ones non-physical mentors, your ‘ascension team’.
It will be your non-physical guides that will guide you to study certain circles – and here you will pose your questions to them.
Having a pendulum or muscle-testing is now a crucial factor in the ascending journey.
To find the crop circles to assist your learning
And to interprete, through the pendulum, what your guides are trying to show you.
And then authenticating and substantiating all actions derived from the learning.
If you are still guessing or assuming, or ‘intuiting’ – you will not be led to these teachings, simply because one has not enough tools to authenticate and such.
And certainly, wont be led to their Universal World Service with this level of ignorance. It is now seen that the individual not using tools, is staying in a level of ignorance, that the use of a tool could move them forwards and beyond.
And into ones World and Universal Service roles and tasks.

Namaste and Blessings