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Rolling Thunder®, Inc. National POW/MIA/VET Forum
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Re: I agree with your Bush endorsment

Excuse me James
You say vn was a noble cause. Do you believe iraq is a noble cause because if i remember correctly bush has us over there because of the WMD'S. Where are they? Go read up on the bush family and their ties to
some of our enemies.The fight for our survival is a
fight for our freedom from people that want to dictate our lives. bush entered office on a lie and he's been lying ever since.

Re: Re: I agree with your Bush endorsment

Roger That - When U look at Bush vs Kerry - ain't no question who's the best for America's Defense - Kerry blew it with me when he went telling Congress VN Vets drug crazed baby killers and then as a Senator voting against our military weapon systems - Regardless -- Understand this -- The Muslim extremist will stop at nothing to destroy the USA - The real question is -- Where do u want to fight? Iraq or America ?? -- Look at where Iraq is physically located - dead in the middle - Do u know how long it takes to move Tanks, Bradleys, etc? where's the Iraq WMD? Try looking at Sa**** moving it out of Iraq before we took him out to Syria, Iran - Why did Lybia get smart and punch out of the axis of evil? Through Peace and love or fear of our Firepower? Here's another lesson learned form VN - When the first American Soldier steps into Harms way -- all Polictics in Public that gives aid and hope to the enemy needs to stop -- argue all u want behind closed doors -- but show a united front in public
Short answer - Hell Yes -- Iraq and the rest of the Gloable War on Terror is Noble, just AND required -- I'm sick and tired of the Liberal Press crying about a bunch of naked POW's for the last 3 wks - and only show the Beheading of Berger and Pearl one time - the mutalitation of the 4 ex-Rangers one time -- We didn't start this war -- or has America already forgotten 9/11? I say the Muslims Extremist need to know that we're coming - anytime, anyplace and when we do -- Hell's coming with us!! When Bush says that - U can take it to the bank! Now, Move out and Draw Fire!!!

Re: Re: Re: I agree with your Bush endorsment

CSM- if you re going to argue a position, get your facts straight. We did start this war. Iraq was not a global threat. Saddam wanted to be the premiere mid-east leader for the Arabs. Bin Laden hated him. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, according to the president. I'll say that again, G.W. Bush says that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Other than paying money to suicide bombers, no links can be found betweenn him and terrorist organizations. WMDs? So what. He had no delivery system caapable of reaching us, a rotten air force. Un resolutions? The UN didn't want us to attack.The UN has passed resolutions against Israel. Should we also attack them? Have you ever read Kerry's testimony before Congress? What you say he said is not true. You are correct about Muslim extremists, so why are we atttacking a Muslim country that has done nothing to us? Won't that create more problems? How is that good for our defense? Saving the Iraqi people from a brutal dictator? Who made us the world's policeman? Bush campaigned saying he was opposed to "nation building".

Regarding his treatment of the military and veterans, Bush appointed an advisoy committee to look at the VA and make recommendations They said that the VA budgey sdhould be based on the number of vets served and not be a discertionary budget item. The House Armed Services Committee and EVERY veterans service org. agredd. Bush opposed this and the VA is cutting back in order to serve as many as possible.

He oppossed changing concurrent receipt for disabled retired military Lastly, when he was faced with the choice of serving or not, he avoided active service as did his VP. Voting against weapons systems? how about the Cheyenne helicopter that was killed by Rumsfeld after 30 years. The Osprey is another loser that congress keeps pumping money into. Remember the Sheridan- that was another waste. Just because the military wants something doesn't make it worth throwing money at it or do you believe they should get a blank check.

What is the worst thing a president can do? I say it is starting a war for no good reason. Over 800 members of our military are dead and Iraq has become a huge moey pit we keep throwing money into.While the war was well fought by the military, no one in this administration had a clue about how to handle what would come next. Remember they canned General shinseki for saying it would take 200 to 300,000 troops to secure the peace.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Roger That - When U look at Bush vs Kerry - ain't no question who's the best for America's Defense - Kerry blew it with me when he went telling Congress VN Vets drug crazed baby killers and then as a Senator voting against our military weapon systems - Regardless -- Understand this -- The Muslim extremist will stop at nothing to destroy the USA - The real question is -- Where do u want to fight? Iraq or America ?? -- Look at where Iraq is physically located - dead in the middle - Do u know how long it takes to move Tanks, Bradleys, etc? where's the Iraq WMD? Try looking at Sa**** moving it out of Iraq before we took him out to Syria, Iran - Why did Lybia get smart and punch out of the axis of evil? Through Peace and love or fear of our Firepower? Here's another lesson learned form VN - When the first American Soldier steps into Harms way -- all Polictics in Public that gives aid and hope to the enemy needs to stop -- argue all u want behind closed doors -- but show a united front in public
Short answer - Hell Yes -- Iraq and the rest of the Gloable War on Terror is Noble, just AND required -- I'm sick and tired of the Liberal Press crying about a bunch of naked POW's for the last 3 wks - and only show the Beheading of Berger and Pearl one time - the mutalitation of the 4 ex-Rangers one time -- We didn't start this war -- or has America already forgotten 9/11? I say the Muslims Extremist need to know that we're coming - anytime, anyplace and when we do -- Hell's coming with us!! When Bush says that - U can take it to the bank! Now, Move out and Draw Fire!!!

Re: I agree with your Bush endorsment; PATHETIC

I am very disappointed in this organization that claims to champion POW/MIA/VETS affairs. I am reffering to the televised meeting in support of President Bush on Memorial Day Weekend of all days. In what way has this President shown his support for these values your organization and that I hold dear? Well???
I can bring up a few things that he's done that are detrimental to our men and women.
President Bush has:
Cut funding for nearly all Veteran services in the prior three years
Has closed down Veteran Hospitals throughout the country since being in office
His own budget office has proposed another almost 1 billion dollar cut in funding for Vet Services just last Wed. for fiscal year 2006. Which he'll get if re-elected.
This support for someone that has done nothing but talk rhetoric of his support for our Veterans is undeniably one of the most blunder-headed things I've seen in recent memory. What could possibly be the major malfunction of this organization that would be so blind to the folks that are dependent on them???

John Kerry has done some unwise things in the past concerning his medals and claims of atrocities. (Although everyone that is honest and was in Nam knows that some bad things did occur.) He followed his conscience to try and stop a war we should have never have been sent too in the first place. Whether how he went about it was right or wrong, it's is in the past. IF YOU DECIDE TO PUT RETRIBUTION FOR REMARKS MADE 30+ YEARS AGO AHEAD OF WHAT IS RIGHT AND WHAT IS BEST FOR THIS COUNTRY AND YOUR BROTHERS NOW, YOU ARE A SAD A BITTER MAN. I JUST HOPE YOU CAN LIVE WITH THE DETREMENT THAT YOUR CHOICE MAY CAUSE. Doesn't what John Kerry and John McCain dID in the 90's count for anything??? BOTH men were instrumental in bringing back many of our fallen brothers that had been left behind in Vietnam. BOTH men were instrumental in clearing up many of the stories and rumours of internment camps that were thought to still be in Vietnam. Doesn't the fact that John Kerry volunteered to fight in Vietnam mean anything??? (Forget the rhetoric on the so-called unjustified medals, that just denegrates everyone who ever received a medal. It's ridiculous to say otherwise. He earned them, and that's that.) Doesn't the fact that George W. Bush actually checked the box that stated, "DO NOT" volunteer for Vietnam on his enlistment papers? Or the fact that if he didn't have a well connected father he probably would have done time for drunken driving or cocaine possession?

What has been done this weekend could very well have set back the future of all our Veterans benefits and lives. And maybe we all can't all agree on whether John Kerry should be the next PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I'm here to tell you, George W. Bush sure as hell didn't deserve the honor the first time around. And his deeds, (not rhetoric), should be proof to every red-blooded American G.I. that he doesn't deserve another term.

Harry Moyer SA/USAF
Des Moines, Iowa

Re: Re: I agree with your Bush endorsment; PATHETIC

As veteran, widow of a veteran and with a son now serving in Iraq, I can only say that Artie Muller must have gone totally insane to endorse a despicable coward like George Bush , who has stabbed our military in the back at every turn. The only thing that Bush cares about as far as the military is concerned is that they provide a convenient backdrop for his photo-ops & of course they are the ones killing innocent people for his bald faced lies.

I just purchased a gun cleaning kit & supplies to send to my son because the military under Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney are more interested in producing fat contracts for their greedy, lying, cheating friends than supplying our soldiers with basic necessities. I have other friends in Military Families Speak Out Group who have purchased everything from water to armored vests to send to their family members who are in this hell hole created by the sorriest excuse this country has ever had for a president.

An endorsement for Bush is about as despicable as it gets. You are showing the same disdain and disgust for our military men and women as George Bush. That vermin has committed treason against this country & it's Constitution. He has murdered over 800 of our military & injured thousands more, not to mention all the innocent Iraqi people who did nothing to deserve this vicious attack & invasion of their country.

May his rotten soul and that of those who aid and abet him fry in hell for an eternity.

There no words for the utter disgust I feel for this vile administration

Re: Re: I agree with your Bush endorsment; PATHETIC

i agree with your response to the fact that rolling thunder has supported bush in the last two elections over candidates that both fought in vietnam. along with what the current administration has done to cut the fundings to various veteran affairs budgets. i hope that more members like yourself can change the mindset of the rolling thunder leadership

Re: Re: I agree with your Bush endorsment; PATHETIC


My problem with Kerry is a lot more recent than 30 years ago. Here's what Sydney H. Schanberg wrote about JFK2 in the Village Voice (as leftwing a publication as you'll find) 24 Feb 02.

"senator John Kerry, a decorated battle veteran, was courageous as a navy lieutenant in the Vietnam War. But he was not so courageous more than two decades later, when he covered up voluminous evidence that a significant number of live American prisoners—perhaps hundreds—were never acknowledged or returned after the war-ending treaty was signed in January 1973.

The Massachusetts senator, now seeking the presidency, carried out this subterfuge a little over a decade ago— shredding documents, suppressing testimony, and sanitizing the committee's final report—when he was chairman of the Senate Select Committee on P.O.W./ M.I.A. Affairs."

The rest of the article is at
Read it if you have the courage. This is a guy you want for president?

Re: Re: Re: I agree with your Bush endorsment; PATHETIC

I had the courage to read your recommended link:
and in answer to your question:
This is a guy you want for president?

Yes, I want Johny Kerry for President because he couldn't be as incompetent, bumbling,stupid, arrogant, self-serving, hypocritical, or phony as George Bush if he worked at it 24/7.

Kerry can think on his feet. Kerry can speak in complete sentences. Kerry is not a bald faced liar and he is not AWOL!

I also read the following articles by Sydney Schanberg so now I challenge you to read them and tell me, "Is this a man you would want to see in the oval office for another 4 years to continue in his inept, bumbling, 'don't know a **** thing and proud of it' way of conducting business. I don't know about you but I say, not just NO but HELL NO!

George Bush is a pathetic excuse for a human being. He is not JUST sticking firecrackers up the anus of little frogs these days. He is killing people...... in the name of Jesus, of course...... Jesus would strike this vermin dead on the spot.

Bush's War Plan Is Scarier Than He's Saying
The Widening Crusade
by Sydney H. Schanberg
October 15 - 21, 2003

If some wishful Americans are still hoping President Bush will acknowledge that his imperial foreign policy has stumbled in Iraq and needs fixing or reining in, they should put aside those reveries. He's going all the way—and taking us with him.

George Bush's global holy war threatens our Presidency—and perhaps the future of our nation
Turning Point
by Sydney H. Schanberg

Many presidents have invoked God in speeches and policy decisions, especially during times of war when soldiers were dying for country. And most presidents have told lies of various kinds during their tenures. But I know of no president, certainly no modern president, who said he was acting in God's name while telling lies in order to prod the country into a war against an adversary that, though a vile dictatorship, was no real threat to our security—and had no significant link to the bin Laden forces that attacked us in 2001.

Not Qualified, Not Truthful, Not Wise
George Bush, Make-Believe President
by Sydney H. Schanberg
Published February 18 - 24, 2004
President Bush's war in Iraq, oddly, has begun to remind me of the floating craps game in Guys and Dolls. In the classic musical, the "guys" have to keep moving the venue from one hiding place to another—to avoid getting caught playing an illegal gambling game. The president, with much bigger stakes, keeps moving his rationale for the war (as he rolls the dice)—to avoid getting caught playing with the truth.

His problem is that he has been caught.

PS: You should never post a partial comment and challenge a Liberal to read your story. It will come back to bite you on the ass every time! Liberals READ lots of stuff. We even read Fox!

Re: Re: Re: Re: I agree with your Bush endorsment; PATHETIC

>>Kerry can think on his feet.<<

"I voted for that resolution, before I voted against it."

Boy, howdy ... that's some pretty quick thinking!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I agree with your Bush endorsment; PATHETIC

HAHAHAAHA !! U go Bob -- WHAT does Skerry Stand For (Today, that is !!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I agree with your Bush endorsment; PATHETIC

Typical repugnant response when their ******* has been kicked. Your Faux Spews sound bytes are almost as pathetic as Chicken george.

Kerry Served in Vietnam --Bush in Alabama bars

Three Purple Hearts - Three DUI's - you decide

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I agree with your Bush endorsment; PATHETIC

Quoting from a fellow Liberal, D. O'Rourke (not that I expect the previous goons to be able to read it):

We started a war for the very first time just because a bunch of clowns who never served a day in combat read too much Tom Clancy and wanted to play soldier.

Bush to Titanic: Stay the course!
The only difference between the current administration and a line of lemmings about to walk off a cliff to drown in the sea, is that at least lemmings are cute and cuddly. There is nothing at all cute about these people. It will take a generation to get the smell out of the White House carpets............

Our neoconservative, holier-than-thou president [sic] has brought shame on us all. You can spin that anyway you like, but history will not be as kind as Fox News. A leadership founded and built on personal and public ignorance can only prevail when the ignorant remain so. As the death toll of our under-supported and incompetently deployed troops heads towards one thousand, a lot of folks are starting to wake up and get ****** off. Voices of caution are finally being raised from even the most rabid conservatives.

The Bush people promised us a happy Capra film, but we got the Manson Family in expensive suits.

Never in the history of human conflict have so many owed so much to the ignorance of so few.

Hey Bobby; Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I agree with your Bush endorsment; PATHETIC

And the 87 Billion Dollar appropriations bill of last year that you're refering to, (concerning the body armor), was basicly a "vote of objection" to the fact that the Republicans were refusing to use fiscal discipline and take out some of the tax cuts to the wealthiest 1% in order to pay for it. Before he voted the second time, it was obvious that his vote was going to make no difference in the outcome. So, as many Republicans and Democrats before him have done, his vote was a "vote of objection". He stated so the very day of the vote.

Re: Hey Bobby; Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I agree with your Bush endorsment; PATHETIC


These jokers only know the quotes from Rush "the Pill Popper" Limbaugh, & Faux Spews.

They require a whole new definition of dumba**

Re: Re: Hey Bobby; Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I agree with your Bush endorsment; PATHETIC

HAHAHA U got ur email address right Liberal *****
Must be hard trying to back a loser oops I nearly forgot - His old lady is the rich Ketsup woman -- oh also nearly forgot she bottles the stuff in MEXICO - and I thought the Poodle was hollaring about how he was going to stop jobs from going overseas -- Think he'll shut down his old lady sweat shop? HAHAHA!!! - Must really be tough trying to sell a VN Vet Backstabbing Liar - Maybe he can get the non-swimimg Ted Kennedy as his VP -- Then you can have the 2 most Liberals in our History on the same team -- HAHAHAHA - U R so stupid !! You need to get on your Knees every night and Thank God you were so lucky to be born in America and that you have Men and Women willing to lay down their life for you to enjoy the Freedom to ***** and Moan about how bad it is you oxygen theft Oh - I went to VN also where I earned a Purple Heart Tag for my Truck as well as a Combat Infantryman's Badge and 3 Bronze Stars for Valor--- And U did what for your Country??

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