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Rolling Thunder®, Inc. National POW/MIA/VET Forum
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Re:Duh...Fireboss; Re: Re: Re: Sept 17th 2004

As I said:
And even IF any of them have been signed
into law, in truth they aren't attributal
to anything he or his office has done

What I do know of is the actions taken by the
Presidents office itself. Like the proposed
1 billion in cuts to Veterans services in 2006;
916 million in cuts to Homeland Security in 2006
that has never been fully funded in the first
place leaving our police and other first
responders in the lurch in case of another
terrorist attack. These are just two of the cuts
proposed for fiscal year 2006 if Bush is
re-elected... this was made public on Wed.
May 26th by the Presidents own Budget Office.
Now this can be directly attributed to the
President himself, rather than a few hundred
people in Congress or Senate. So, unlike the
good things the Congress/Senate does being
attributed to the President, and the bad things
they do bypassing any blame onto him, I'm
stating actual policy coming out of the

Guess you was too blinded-by-the-Reich, (again,
spelled correctly), to read all that, Delbert...
sorry, Fireboss.

Re: Sept 17th 2004

Why ?? As a Vietnam Vet - I have no use for Kerry
'Kerry lied while
good men died'
Vietnam Vets for Truth plan D.C. rally to combat candidate's claims

© 2004
Using the battle cry "Kerry lied while good men died," the organization is planning a September rally in the nation's capital to combat what it considers untruths the Democratic presidential candidate has spread about those who fought in the Vietnam War.
The new organization will host what they expect to be a "giant rally" of veterans and their families at the west side of the Capitol on Sept. 12. In a statement announcing the event, organizers said those who assume Vietnam vets are behind Kerry's candidacy are "dead wrong."
Terry Garlock of Peachtree City, Ga., and Larry Bailey of Alexandria, Va, lead the organization, Garlock as CEO and Bailey as president.
Garlock, an Army Cobra helicopter pilot in Vietnam, proposed the idea, and Bailey, one of the first to sign up for the effort, is a retired U.S. Navy SEAL captain with service in Vietnam.
"More than any other person, John Kerry is responsible for the false image of Vietnam veterans as dysfunctional misfits," Bailey said in a statement. "Kerry betrayed all of us when he returned from Vietnam.
"A lot of good people opposed the war, but some, like John Kerry, went too far. He joined the radical left wing of the anti-war movement and shared the microphone with Jane Fonda and other radicals. He promoted himself by telling unforgivable lies about Vietnam servicemen and women, and he did this under oath."
Kerry testified before U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee 1971, making horrific claims about alleged atrocities committed by American service members.
What about Kerry's claim he helped end the war?
Responded Bailey: "What unmitigated chutzpah! The truth is that the actions he took gave aid and comfort to those who were killing America's sons and daughters. He encouraged our enemies to rebuild and hang on when they were near defeat, as they were after the Tet Offensive in 1968. Did you know our POWs had John Kerry's words quoted to them by their interrogators?"
Bailey says Kerry helped to spread a "negative stereotype" of Vietnam veterans that was exploited in movies and on TV.
"The truth long ago was that we fought with honor and courage, and we won every significant battle," Bailey said. "The truth now is that we are doctors, lawyers, factory workers, nurses, small-business owners, corporate executives, carpenters and pretty much your neighbor or your friend at church, and very patriotic. We are not and never have been the crazed killers we have been portrayed to be for so many years in movies and on TV, in part, because of Kerry's lies."
Bailey says the event is not partisan and that all Vietnam vets are welcome: "We just want the country to know that America's sons and daughters served honorably and well in Vietnam, and the bad things John Kerry said about them have never been true."
As WorldNetDaily reported, earlier this month a group of Kerry's colleagues from the war gathered to denounce his fitness for the land's highest office, saying that during the war he was a "loose cannon." The group represented the organization Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
"The Swift Boat guys are challenging Kerry's fitness for office based on his lies and his Vietnam service," commented Garlock, "and they are qualified to do that since they served with him. Our new VVT organization is not challenging Kerry's Vietnam service. We are going to tell the good news stories about Vietnam vets at our rally and how America should have welcomed them home with pride and gratitude. We will contrast that truth with the lies told about them by John Kerry."
In an open letter to Kerry, the new group tells the candidate: "You should have been our brother, Sen. Kerry, but when you returned from Vietnam you betrayed us. America does not yet understand the depth of that betrayal. We believe that before voters in this country have the opportunity to elect you to the office of commander in chief, they deserve to know the truth, and they deserve to hear some answers from you."
The letter poses 16 specific questions to Kerry that challenge him to explain the statements he has made about those who fought for the U.S. in Vietnam.

Re: Re: Sept 17th 2004

Again, we hear the same lies bout what Kerry said. The facts differ from the republican rhetoric. The Vitnem Veterans Against the War was a sixeable organization. They held a meeting and asked vts to come tell about their experiences. The stories Kerry told were those told to him by other Vietnem Vets ansd he stated so in his twestimony. He never said these were typical of what all had done. He said they were examples of wwhat can happen in war. He also went on to discuss the treatment Viet vets were receiving here at home from thr public and in VA facilities. He expressed concern that vets were not getting the best treatment.

Fowler, read the testimony instead of quoting political propaganda or join this rally to protest things that were never said and look like an idiot.

Re: Re: Re: Sept 17th 2004

Hey Dragoni -- Truth hurts don't it? HAHAHA - The Fact is the North Vietnam Museum has Kerry (as well as Hanoi Jane) on their Hero Wall for changing our public will to continue - Not only did I fight in VN - But I remember Skerry lying on the Dick Cavet Show about all the war crimes he couldn't prove - All he just made himself a political career off the Blood on the Wall - But us old Southern know the Truth - Hey, Whose Medals did he throw away? His or someone elses? I've heard him say about 3 different versions of it? Oh, Also he said that ribbons and Medals are interchangeable?? Anyone who served knows that's BS -
Or do U??

Hey Jim; Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 17th 2004

Only the propaganda you to deem as fact hurts.
And so you, like your ilk have a tendency
to do, desire to propagate the propaganda
of a nation such as North Vietnam when it
serves your own twisted purposes. The
N.V. Museum also lists as fact atrocities
supposedly committed by Americans during
the war. That these atrocities, such as the
eating of Vietmanese babies, etc. where a
common tactic of the "evil American invaders".
I suppose we are to take all of these
accusations as fact? I don't. But if we are
to believe one set of propaganda, why not all?
That is because it is just that, PROPAGANDA!!!
And your spreading of that propaganda for your
own political reasons makes you a sorry man

I was a Security Specialist, USAF, Nam 70-71. My
brother just retired as a Major JAG Officer in the
Navy. And yes ribbons and Medals ARE
interchangable. They both are representative
of each other. Anyone who served and doesn't know
that is full of BS. Or are you still getting your
info from the North Vietmanese?

Re: Hey Jim; Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 17th 2004

OH -- so you were on an Air Base in VN ?? I went to one once - thought I was back in the world

Re: Re: Hey Jim; Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 17th 2004

Every man's service is worthy and no true brother would ever denigrate another's service. You sir, are a disgrace for doing so.

By the way, I was a platoon leader with B 2/1Inf, 196th Inf. Bde.

Hey Jim; Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 17th 2004

So now you denigrate MY service to my
country because I was in the Air Force
during Nam. You are just a sad little man.
I served, I served well. I recieved a
Purple Heart when a sniper tried picking
me off. But of course, I probably got it
only because I wanted out of the service,
as is accused of John Kerry. What service
medals did you get? Not that it matters. What
matters is who had to blow to get 'em huh?

This is exactly why I stated before that when
you denigrate someone elses service/medals, you
leave everyone open to defamation.

And you have the balls to put this coward of
a President on a pedestal with his record,
and at the same time dog others that were
there... sounds like you deserve at least one
medal. The same one that the Vet bashers should
get that denigrated Max Cleland in order to put
that bi**h Saxby Chandliss into office. The
Medal should be called, "Traitor to Their Own".
Be proud! Maybe Bush will pin it on you himself!
You'll be in good company.

Re Medals to Harry

OK Harry -- If you really want know: Purple Heart, 3 Bronze Stars for Valor, 2 Legions of Merit, Air Medal, Combat Infantryman's badge, Ranger Tab, Master Parachutis Badge, numerous campaign ribbons, Service and Foreign Awards - served with 173d Abn Bde (Airborne Infantry) and N Co 75 Rangers in VN (68-69) - Was orginal 1SG B Co when we formed the 3d Ranger Bn in 84 - retired as Command Sergeant Major upon return from Operation Uphold Democracy Hati -- And the answer is No, I didn't throw my Medals (or Ribbons) over a Fence -- Nor did I come back from VN and disgrace my Brothers by lying about War Crimes I didn't witness - When Cally went on trial for My Lia - I said (at the time) not only should he be found guilty - but his PSG and NCO's as well for not stopping "following an unlawfull order" -- The same type stuff that happened in Ab gau Prision in Iraq - I believe in the Christan God (not "Allah") and I've been riding Harleys since 1969 (and currently have a 2003 100th Anniversary all Black Harley Road King - I support all Veterans Groups, and Ride for those who can't -- I'm tired of all the Bush Bashing here and after this message I'm not posting anymore -- I was not making light of your service in the Air Force - I didn't call you a "REMF" -- Service is Service -- Some put you more in Harms way than others -- I happen to agree with the 60's James Brown Song -- "Let a Man be a Man and a Women be a Women" -- All I said was I did visit an Air Force Base once in Phut Cat ( I believe) and it was like I had went back in the world -- Ask any "Boonie Rat" (Infantry) Where were these folks when the Tratior Clinton was President -- If he would have stood up and told us he chicken **** and tried everything he could not to go to VN - I'd have no problem with that -- but then to find out he lied and went so far as to Lead Protest in England while stuyding to become a Rhoads Scholar did it for me ! I could care less about Monica -- I want to see him and Les Aspin (now dead) answer to the Rangers as to why they refused to give them Armor in Somalia -- By the way that was my Co - B Co 3d Ranger Bn that you saw in "Black Hawk Down" -- By Clinton pulling us out of Somalia boosted the Muslim Terroist making them think they could win - If Clinton would have taking out Bin Laden when he had the shot we may not be in the mess we're in today -- but who knows -- I fault Rumsfeld in extending our Soldiers fighting in Iraq and now stop loss - this destroys moral of not only our Soldiers but their families as well -- the Service reenlist familes - not individuals -- Now - I've said all I'm going to say - Quit sending me propaganda about how Kerry is a Great Hero and we all should be so lucky to have him as our next Cdr in Chief -- cause you sure as Hell will not change my mind about Him nor "Hanoi Jane"
We never lost a major battle in VN - but through the anti-war activities back home they destroyed the public will -- and Kerry as well as Kennedy is back to slinging that VN word around again to the point Sadhr in Iraq is using it --- I'm sure I won't change your mind about Bush -- Do I think NG service during VN was a "Cop Out"? Sure, I also think we should have activted the Guard during VN and who knows the outcome But like I said earlier -- Every type Service should be respected and Honored, but today our Reserves are spending as much if not more time in the Combat Zones as our active Duty
I'm finished now -- I will not be wasting my time on this BS - Like Toby Keith sings - Time to put my Bike on the Highway
"Move Out and Draw Fire!"
Ranger Lead The Way

Re:Jim, Re Medals to Harry

I'm glad to hear you was such a wonderful
hero in Nam, yadda, yadda. I'll give you
as much respect for your service as you
gave to me. And if your comment below wasn't
a put-down of my service, what was the
purpose? You owe an apology to everyone
you've ever dogged for not living up to
your bogus standards in the military.
I'm quite sure I wasn't the first.;

From CSM (Ret.) Jim Fowler:"OH -- so you
were on an Air Base in VN ?? I
went to one once - thought I was back in
the world"

So I repeat concerning your "supposed medals":
Not that it matters. What matters is who you
had to blow to get 'em huh?

This is exactly why I stated before that when
you denigrate someone elses service/medals, you
leave everyone open to defamation, particularly yourself.

And you have the balls to put this coward of
a President on a pedestal with his record,
and at the same time dog others that were
there... sounds like you deserve at least one
medal. The same one that the Vet bashers should
get that denigrated Max Cleland in order to put
that bi**h Saxby Chandliss into office. The
Medal should be called, "Traitor to Their Own".
Be proud! Maybe Bush will pin it on you himself!
You'll be in good company.

Re: Re Medals to Harry

Jim, My hat goes off to you Sir, you were in the "****" hip deep....! AIRBORNE/AIR ASSAULT ALL THE WAY..!!

Re: Hey Jim; Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 17th 2004

"I served, I served well. I recieved a
Purple Heart when a sniper tried picking
me off."

My only regret of the Vietnam war now is that they didn't train their snipers better........

Re: Hey Jim; Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 17th 2004

Medal should be called, "Traitor to Their Own"."

I think John F. Kerry got that one already.....!

Re: Re: Re Medals to Harry

Thank You for your service too "Fireboss"
May God Bless you Brother

Re: Re: Hey Jim; Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 17th 2004

HOOAH!! I agree "Fireboss"

Hey Jim & Fireboss; Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 17th 2004

Yep, you're a real patroit. Thanks for
proving my point.

Maybe after you and Fireboss finish
"strokin'" each other off,
you two can get together and make-up...
I mean trade some more storys.

Re: Re: Re: Fireboss; Re: Re: Re: Sept 17th 2004

It's amazing to me how pitiful conservatives can be. How do you respond to an educated not accusatory response with a crack about Hooked on Phonics. Their needs to be a age verification tool to enter these types of websites. Mr. Fireman, I think that it is time that you get back to your homework before mommy calls you to dinner!

Re: Re: Sept 17th 2004

 If you get your
Disinformation, I mean "news" from Worldnet you should know who runs
it,and their intrests are in the interests of Israel and not America!

Joseph Farah, an
Arab-American, is founder, editor and chief executive officer of, the leading independent
English-language Internet newssite. He is also a weekly columnist for the
International Edition of the Jerusalem Post.
The former editor-in-chief of the Sacramento Union has written for
the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Sun-Times, Wall Street
and dozens of other publications. In 1996, he
co-authored with Rep. Richard Pombo This
Land Is Our Land
for St. Martin’s Press.


Americans For a Safe


- Press Releases

... leaders in the US Congress, concerned about Israel,
about US-Israeli relations, and ...

of the early signatories include Rep. Richard
Pombo of California, Rep

Re: Re: Fireboss; Re: Re: Re: Sept 17th 2004

Hey Harry, did you ever find out that the imformation I gave you was all true, or were you trying to "spin" around it, hoping it would go away and you wouldn't have to spin more lies to blow it off....?!

So-called "Independant, really, you're a "full blown Left Winger that's too ashamed to admit it in public.... I bet you have a topic post all your own at the, you sir ARE NO INDEPENDANT......!!! You are just a little man(wrong choice of words for you, you are no man either)that crawls out from under your little rock long enough to open your mouth and show the world just how big a ******* you really are.. Find another rock to hide under Harry, this one has gotten too big for your slime......!

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