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Rolling Thunder®, Inc.'s major function is to publicize the POW-MIA issue.  To educate the public of the fact that many American prisoners of war were left behind after all past wars.  To help correct the past and to protect the future veterans from being left behind should they become prisoners of war-missing in action.  We are committed to helping American veterans from all wars! 

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Rolling Thunder®, Inc. National POW/MIA/VET Forum
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Nutjob litigator/protesters of military funerals

Everyone should be made aware of this litigating cult from Topeka, Kansas who call themselves Westboro Baptist Church(no baptist affiliation or church connection) Their website is; and
The founder, Fred Phelps, Sr. (The Cryptkeeper) is a megalomaniac/sadist/wifebeater/child abuser who was found to be clinically mental and should have been locked up a long time ago,,,but he's an attorney, who has since been disbarred by the Kansas Supreme Court. He beat his 13 children and wife with a mattox handle (similar to an ax handle) nearly to death, and holds the city of Topeka, Kansas in litigation hell. Do a Google search for Fred Phelps. He claims that the military deaths are God's revenge for the U.S. government "allowing" gays to bomb his church.
This nutjob has taken to "protesting" military funerals. The group/family of about 100 members are HIGHLY TRAINED in inciting mourners at these funerals
to physically attack them so they can file yet another lawsuit and continue to tour the country on the proceeds.
We were blindsided by them at a St. Joseph, Missouri, marine funeral. They are by far the nastiest in their tactics to provoke mourners,,and even bring their children to do it. Those in attendance, including Vietnam Veterans showed great restraint in not twisting their pinheads clean off.
The only thing the WBC/Phelps clan are intimidated by are threats to have the group psychologically evaluated, for obvious reasons.
The military families who have already paid the ultimate price of the lives of their loved ones should NOT have to be accosted by these freaks.
The future plans to protest funerals is posted on their VFWs and American Legions. Please get the word out.

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