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On a different note...

Hello All,
Nice to hear from you Brenda, and that you are feeling better.
Life out here in California is going well for Mike and I, ...and it would seem so for the Mike & Jim family units. We will all be conveneing at Jims house on Thursday for Thanksgiving.
I wanted to check with you, Uncle ("what a hunk") Stevie if indeed you are taking mumsy under your wing in the near future. If so, please give details, and also if there's anything we can do do help.
Lot's of love to everyone,

Re: On a different note...

Sarah, thanks for "daring" to get back on site, it must be a daunting challenge, otherwise more of us would be doing it.
Yes, Ellen has contacted me regarding a move to Houston and I am delighted to acommodate her in any way that I can. I appreciate that she loves the land where she is living now and many of it's people but these are seldom sufficient factors to sustain a realistic lifestyle. I feel bad that Ellen has to move but am really looking forward to having her here with me. The last time we spoke it was suggested that her move will happen shortly before the end of the year and as far as I know that schedule is still on track. I appreciate too the offer of assitance but can't think of anything at the moment that we might need. I am fortunate to have plenty of space and I am confident that young Ellen will be very comfortable.
I will keep you all posted as this reunion comes together.
I wish I could be there in California for the Thanksgiving feast at Jim's but alas, I am working. I do owe the area a visit however and will satrt planning that after the holidays. It seems odd for me to have gone so long without coming out there but I have been trying to make a good impression on my employers. It must have worked because they have granted me four weeks vacation time per year, which doesn't sound like much to our European readers but here in the States, you don't usually get to that many weeks off a year until you have been with a company 10 years. I'm glad they moved up the schedule.
Have a great Thanksgiving and I'll talk to you all again soon and give you updates.

Lots of love


Re: On a different note...

Hi Steve and Sarah,
So glad to hear the news of your new housemate, Steve. I think we will be seeing Ellen on her way over to you so we can all get together with papa, who's doing pretty well by the way, and have some sort of christmasy 'thing'.

We, here in the chilly sw (england branch) like to see these nodes of family building up. Although we share your feelings that it is sad for Ell to move away from Egypt, we selfishly are happy to think of a texas cluster and I'm sure it will be a really good move for you both.
Now that Mark has moved to Leicester, we are seeing alot more of the KCs. We were over last weekend for a concert of Vieux Farke Toure, (son of Ali FT if any of you know of him) a Malian musician. It was really great.

We are gradually getting to know Leicester better and Mark is very quickly working out the best music venues around town. He's loving it there and has managed to get involved in a couple seperate bands each of which have gigs coming up before the end of term. Not bad going. Oh, and as part of his studies I think he's reading some novels and watching some films too. As Al says, what's not to love.

you guys have a great thanksgiving, wherever you are celebrating. We will be thinking of you all as we tuck into our lentil something-or-other, mmmmmmh, love it!

Lol brenda and alan xxxxxx