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Cats and Dogs

What a very sad existence you all must have, cats and dogs indeed...pathetic.
Goldfish, now there's a pet for you. Sure they're not all cute and cuddly, loyal, obedient,friendly, playful, a treat to come home to. Can't learn tricks, sit on your lap or even enter self serving little public displays of "best in show' that do nothing but feed the vicarious needs of their owners but if it's cold and slimey that you're into, (and I am), if you're looking for a pet that sits there oblovious to you or your needs, swims in it's own feces, serves no useful purpose and coincidentally is designed to flush perfectly down a toilet if neccessary, then a goldfish is the pet for you.
Pet envy, I don't think so and my advice, get over yourselves with the cat vs dog thing and get a real companion.
I will gladly send photos of "Jaws" and his little aquatic buddies to Mike for your jealous eyes to feast on.
Get a life people.

By the way, how's everyone doing?

Re: Cats and Dogs

Now don't be a hater Steve! I agree that a goldfish can also be a good and loyal pet, it's true that some people may not find them as interesting or rewarding as a proper pet but this is all a matter of personal opinion. Some may also say that a goldfish is a parent's way of copping out when their children beg and plead for a real pet (i.e. cat/dog/rabbit) only to come home from school one day to be greated by 'Goldie'. I on the other hand think it's great that you have adopted a little goldfish and given it such a loving home. Without discerning pet owners like yourself just think what would happen to all those goldfish accross the world stuck in pet stores and living lives ever so similar to the ones which can be granted to them from adoptive parents. You're right of course, pet owners (regardless of species, breed or gender) should come together and unite in their love for all creatures of the planet. Please give my love and kisses to Jaws and the rest of the family and let us put all this nastiness behind us. xxxxoxoxoxx Rachel

Re: Cats and Dogs

Hi guys,
so glad to hear you're sorting out your differences! Clearly cats are the most clever, cute, and interesting pets, dogs also have their place but just require so much more attention, fish, however are also great pets, for all the reasons steve stated and because I have seven cuties in my charge. (I had eight but one must've run away or something)I'm sure many people love to caress snakes, lizards and spiders, but these would not be anywhere onmy list of cute and cuddlies. Anyhow I do hope this attracts more comments........
Great to hear from you all, 'speak' soon,

Re: Cats and Dogs


Your cats are probably smarter than they are cute (and they are cute). I wouldn't wonder if one of them knows where # 8 goldfish went.


Re: Cats and Dogs


I think you may have got the wrong idea about mum's "goldfish"... they remind me more of small anchovies!! I think fish certainly have their place... it the only pet landlords will allow me to keep :(
On a different note entirely, to any Wagamama fans out there (I hear Brenda is certainly one) I highly recomend their new noodle cook book!
Hope all are well


Re: Cats and Dogs


Anchovies are pretty tasty on pizza too! I don't think the same can be said of goldfish ... even if the suggestion was remotely acceptable for a public forum such as this.


Re: Cats and Dogs

It starts with the talk of the cute little pets, the cuddly, the fluffy, the smart, loyal and prize winning, the cold and slimy with the dubious personal hygiene (each to his own, Steve) and ends up days later with talk of pizza toppings.
I knew there was a reason I am vegetarian. Mind you, now I think of it, gold fish might go quite well with mozarella.
(Yes Kim I love W'mamas, there's a great one in Bristol,if you're visiting)
love to all you pet owners

Re: Cats and Dogs

Rachel, consider the nastiness firmly behind us. I'm afraid I may have been a little overly emotional about the whole pet vs pet thing. Pepe is a beautiful hound, perhaps I'm a little jealous and am just lashing out. It is true indeed that Rebecca has repeatedly requested a puppy and even a little kitty only to have her pleas denied by her insensitive father. There is some truth to your analogy there and if I may say so it sounds as though you may have lived this first hand.
I agree that anyone who cares for and loves a pet of any kind cannot be all bad but I am a little concerned the Mike was able to turn the subject into pizza toppings so easily. I guess I should consider the source and remember that if there was ever something contraversial being raised in this family our dear Mike was probably heavily involved...anchovies indeed.
Anyway, I'm off to see the California gang next week and look forward to many happy reunions and the warm embrace of loved ones. Hopefully we can get a few new photos to send on to the group.
Keep the messages coming, it's great to hear from everyone.