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Well, brother (or uncle, or dad, or ex-husband depending on one’s perspective) is visiting us this week. We all know what a live wire Steve can be, and how his visits always inject a jolt of energy, a tingle down your tailbone and a flash of life to the normal routine of life. Well, this visit Steve has outdone even himself, coming out of the closet as he did.

But, before we get to that, let me assure you all that the Bay Area ghetto is alive and doing quite well. Sarah and Mike had the clan round for fajitas on Sunday night accompanied by an impressive array of libations. As always, the quality of the meal was the highest, matching the enthusiasm of the groups gathered around the kitchen and bar-be-cue before dinner, and around the table for the meal.

The past week or so has been active. We have celebrated Linda’s birthday, Rhys ran in his first 5K race around Lake Merritt in Oakland, Meghan reports the nests on the Farallones are brimming with eggs. And there is more activity imminent. Tomorrow Sue will be traveling to Boston to spend four days with Erin, and to make sure she has not been washed away in the Massachusetts floods. In about a month Rhys Meghan and I will be journeying to Berlin to watch a portion of the World Cup. Yes, all is going along alright.

But all this was topped by Steve’s revelation, jumping out of the closet the way he did. He announced that he is a “metro-sexual” one night at dinner. I was confused, never having heard the term before that moment. Sue had heard the term, and scooted in her chair to hear the lurid details. Apparently, Steve had been unaware of this particular orientation until a couple weeks ago when Becca asked him if he was a “metro-sexual” based on her keen observations of his behavior and mannerisms of late. When he inquired as to what a “metro” was, Becca told him it was a guy with many otherwise gay mannerisms (dressing well and with style, having a neat and well appointed house, being a good cook, etc. etc.), but who was in fact straight. Sue and Steve seemed to think the description fit.

I still had a hard time visualizing the concept … until this morning when I went by Steve’s room, where he had four belts in display around his baggage. Curious, I asked for an explanation. (Perhaps a career transition to leather work, or clothing sales as a back up to his restaurant duties?) even though he is on the road for about two weeks four belts seemed excessive to me. He explained he had a black and brown belt – each with silver buckles - to match his very handsome chrome watch. (Fumble, fumble in the bag to produce the good looking chrome time piece.) He also had a second black belt and a second brown belt, each with gold buckles, to match (fumble, fumble, fumble in the bag) his equally handsome gold plate watch. Yea, I guess I get “metro”, and it may be an apt description of Steve.

That’s all for this week – other than some photos of Steve and the gang from recent weeks. Be good, write soon, and be happy!


Re: Metrosexuals

Ha ha ha, that post just made me laugh out loud at work!!! Cheers!!!

That's way cool about you guys going to the world cup, do you have any tickets for games? Did the States qualify in the end? Please excuse me ignorance on the matter, all I pay attention to is the vast amount of injuries to the England team... eeek, hope we get through the group stages at least!

Re: Metrosexuals


So glad the forum brought you a little mirth at the worksite. Hope all else is well with you.

We have no tickets, as yet, for any World Cup games. However, based on our 1998 World Cup experience, when Meghan’s soccer team had a tournament in Paris, we know there will be lots of opportunities to watch matches and to take in the excitement. For Meghan and me, it will also be our first time in Berlin, which we are also eagerly anticipating.

Metro Steve is finishing his week visit with us today. We are all saddened to see him go. He leaves around noon for Houston to see Becca in a production of “you are a good man Charlie Brown”. She plays the part of (and Metro’s siblings will get a kick out of this little irony) Pig Pen. I am sure she is stunning in the role. It may be in her genes. This is a classic role from Steve’s childhood, and is a part which he lived and we all experiences and enjoyed to the hilt.

So much for now.
