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Hello from Ellen

For those of you that may have missed it....Ellen posted a note as a reply to my last message. CHECK IT OUT!
Hope this finds everyone well and happy, love to hear from you all,
Beth xx

Re: Hello from Ellen

Beth, thanks for bringing Ellen's message to our attention. Thanks too for the recent update on Dad's condition. I don't know if yu recieved my reply so I'll just give you a little update now.
I just returned to Houston from a work trip to California where I was able to spend time with Mike, Sue and Meaghan, Sarah and Mike and Jim, Linda, Ruby and Reece. It was great to see them all again and all are doing well. I was able to put some flowers at Mom's grave so a good visit all around.
Work has taken a crazy turn in recent weeks. It would appear that the opportunity to buy into the company has apssed and the new owners are not convinced that they need a vice president for the new company and since that is my current position, I am more than a little concerned. I will find out in two weeks if I still have a job at all, scary huh?
On the brighter front, Rebeccas and Drew are doing very well. Drew is in college now and continues to do well with that while working part time in a local restauarnt. Rebecca is busy as every between her first year in high school, her involvement in the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps and her acting and technical work at the local theatre company. I am happy to be able to spend time with the kids every couple of weeks.
I will keep you posted on any progress on the work front and hope all is well there for you and your family. Incidentally, you can view a photo of Rebeccas in full uniform on the photo pages if you have not already done so.

All my love