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hi to Ron and goodbye to coulsdon

Hi everyone,

Ron Freilich phoned the other day. He's been thinking of us and dad and wanted news of the family and to send love. I was tempted to pull a Mike and make up outrageous lies about everyone, but realised my lies would be pathetic little molehills compared with the himalayan ranges that lets face it, not only Mike but some of you other brothers would come up with. I am sending him all of our contact details so each can tell his/her own story in his/her own way!

It was lovely talking to him, he has happy early memories of us from Noddyshall days onwards and of how welcoming and generous mom and dad always were.

Beth, Kevin and Frances and I took a few days at the end of last week to clear the house at Coulsdon of all the personal and precious things. Beth had organised shipping of the things being sent to you guys in the States and also for her friends who clear houses to deal with the final bits and pieces.
We needed more boxes for packing so I made a few raids on the minimart Londis or Londees as dad called it. 'Mr Londees' remembers dad very fondly, he said he was a real gentleman and they were always happy to see him in the shop - just as well really as dad made multiple visits at any time of the day or night(right Ell?)

It was a great house for mom and dad, just a pity that they didn't have longer. I'll miss it, but will the frogs, foxes and hedgehogs miss us?

love Brenda

Re: hi to Ron and goodbye to coulsdon

Brenda, Brenda, Brenda .... outrageous lies? Tut, tut. I only wish my periodic embellishments rose to the status of "outrageous." You are, none the less, very kind to bestow such credit.

Thanks for the update on Ron. Brings back happy memories of Rockshaw Road, youth, hope, pleasant gardens, long walks in the countryside, high speed "road and pavement" driving (that venerable Merstham sport that so delighted the neighbors), the reckless abandon of music, stimulating secondary school stories, and much, much more. Ah, well, must get in touch with him.

And thank you Brenda, Kevin and Beth (especially Beth) for the organization of the great house clearing. I too will miss the Linden Ave. bungalow. I guess we all have to move on.


Re: hi to Ron and goodbye to coulsdon

What do you mean, other brothers stories?? I don't recall telling stories that were ever based on anything other than pure truth. I stand dumbfounded.
Beth,Brenda, Kevin and Frances, thank you all for all the hard work, especially given the obvious emotional toll it must have taken in dismantling the memories in our parents final home together. Mike is right, we all move on in time, I thank God we are all still so close and that we have been able to stay in touch so that moments like this are shared and cherished by us all.
We will all get together soon and I for one, cannot wait to see everyone in person.
I hope that everyone has their Christmas shopping and holiday planning well under control as that time of year races uncontrollably towards us. I am looking forward to spending a few days with Drew and Rebecca, it will make a great break from the life on the road that seems to have become the mainstay of my current work life. I guess I should be grateful to have a job though, so no complaints here.
I hope all is well for all of the readers out there in world and I wish you all a very Happy Christmas.
See you all soon..


Re: hi to Ron and goodbye to coulsdon

Glad to see you boys are taking a 'glass half full' attitude to my outrageous lies slur. Mike by taking it as a compliment, huh! and Steve by total denial, even bigger huh!! Steve, we have you on film at Jim's house 2 summers ago telling Rhys a long and complicated story connecting Beth, the pub, the cellar and some dead bodies. Shall I go on?

bye for now
Brenda xxx

Re: hi to Ron and goodbye to coulsdon


****able technology. Digitally captures embellishment. Painful.

Re: hi to Ron and goodbye to coulsdon

Hold on their Bren, before you get too far ahead of yourself with the character assaulting. Everybody knows that in this technelogically advanced age that any type of video can be digitally enhanced or manipulated to show just about anything you want it to say. I feel, once again, my good name and image has been needlessly besmirched. I challenge anyone out there to provide any evidence (other than an obviously doctored digital misrepresentation of my integrity) which indicates that I would ever tell stories that were inaccurate in any way.
I am shocked.
I am impressed though that you think I am worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as Mike, who actually does tell a few tall stories. I only dream of aspiring to such feats of imagination and misrepresentation.
Have any of the other readers an opinion on this, I really think you should all weigh in on the subject. I would just love to hear more from the witnesses of my "stories", yes, I believe I just can't wait for that.
I look forward to hearing from you all.
Until then, all my love
Steve "never a dishonest word spoken" Riley

Re: hi to Ron and goodbye to coulsdon

There once was a man we'll call Steve
Who my mom would have me believe
Has told a tale or two
But I don't think it's true
I think he is pure as a sailor on leave!

xx Love you unky Stevo xx

Re: hi to Ron and goodbye to coulsdon

Just thougt I ought to put in a word....I think tall stories are the order of the day for many of the boys...and girls!...and no I have no electronic evidence of this, but when I was about 7 and my turtle was missing in the morning, I was told it had died and had been buried, with due ceremony, by the bonfire. After careful examination and digging around the area, I found no body and concluded that the turtle must have been disposed of in - wait for it - the BIN!! This just hightened my distress, and I learned that NO ONE could be trusted!
Now, though I can't remember exactly who told me the story, I seem to remember that there was more than 1 person involved.
So I guess story telling comes naturally to us all...
Lots of love to you all,
take care,
Beth xx

Re: hi to Ron and goodbye to coulsdon

Wow!!!! You had a turtle?!! That is so cool!!! So how come we only got hurricane sensitive tropical fish, a slightly psycotic dog and cats that don't love us anymore?!

that smiley is called irked, I don't really feel that badly towards our distinct lack of turtle, I just liked its name

Re: hi to Ron and goodbye to coulsdon

I was nowhere near that turtle, as far as I know it must have had a heart attack or something, but I don't know nothin bout no fireside burial ceremony??
Yes, our lives have all been affected one way or another by the odd "story" here and there but let's face it, we're Rileys and that's what we do. I'm sure if we all put our heads together we could write a book about the "slight inaccuracies" that have made their way into family gatherings and dinner table conversations.We could call it "The Lies of Riley", or maybe, "Is anyone buying the crap that Mike's trying to sell?". After all, apart from the life altering fib that poor Beth had to endure, does anyone really get hurt here? In the spirit of Christmas, let's just put all this ugliness behind us, assume that someone has given Mike the wooden spoon and move on. Failing that, I think we should all give some serious thought to writing down our memories and discussing them in a mature and open forum when we all gather for the house warming in California in June. I'm sure such an exchange between us all will do nothing but plant seeds of happiness that will do nothing but grow, bloom and shower us all in tiny fragments of the fertilizer that we have all spread on those seeds. just a thought.
In the meantime, we'll keep talking.

Lots of love to you all


Re: hi to Ron and goodbye to coulsdon


Nice note. I have three observations. First, Beth was hardly the only one “getting hurt here”. The turtle, after all, made a supreme sacrifice. Second, I found Beth’s story not in the least “odd”, but touching. Who can remain unmoved by the obvious impact it had on Kim? Third, the family reunion in Petaluma next year is in July, not June. Anyone looking to mark a diary should save Bastille day (July 14, immediately following the celebration of Ellen’s birthday) as the date of the event. You are all welcome.

As to the idea of pulling together a compendium of memories and reminiscences, I think it is a great idea! History need not be deprived of this potentially priceless collection of first hand accounts. Modern Literature should not be cheated of this nascent masterpiece, this bagful of gems that would comprise these recollections.

Who is going to negotiate the film rights?

Oh, and my vote for the collection Riley whoppers, is, predictably, “Is anyone buying the crap that Mike's trying to sell? Apart from it being as flattering as Hell to have one’s name in print, to be mentioned in the same breath as those of you (and you know who you are) who can really spin a tale, would represent elevation to a wholly undeserved pinnacle of fame for flexibly formulating fibs and fiction into the fabric of fact.


Re: hi to Ron and goodbye to coulsdon

Thank you Mike, I stand (repeatedly) corrected.
I can't wait for July, it should be a blast for whoever can attend, and I hope it is everyone. I hope 7 months is enough notice for us all to make travel plans.

I'd write more but I can't compete with Mike's literary eloquence.


Re: hi to Ron and goodbye to coulsdon

hi you guys; i havent been to the family website for an eternity. imagine my shock to hear that there has been talk of some of my sibs not being entirely truthfull. ( other than dearest mikey , who lies like a cheap toupee, as is common knowlage ) i have allways been under the impression that, with the exception of the whopperstold in the intrest of avoiding a particulary brutal beating, we were all as honest as the day is long. hope all is well with every one, and i would like to second steves thanks to those of you who worked so hard in the wrapping up of the coulsdon chapter in tom and judys lives. take care of yourselves one and all, love jim.