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Picture Post

See Rachel, Barry, Pepe folder for new picture. (Looks like competition for Steve's goldfish.)

Re: Picture Post

Rachel, are you actually holding that sharks tail?
that is soooo impressive.

Re: Picture Post

I'm actually stroking it just behind its dorsal fin, Barry has the tail in his hand.

While we were at the beach a few weeks ago we spotted this nurse shark swimming around the shallows which is quite rare as normally they wouldn't want to get too close to all the activity of the beach. A friend we were with caught the shark (he is from South Africa and had apparently encountered these little guys quite frequently there). After about five minutes he took the shark into deeper water and released it. Nurse sharks do have teeth but their mouths are quite small and lucky for us this one didn't fancy a nibble of any of us but just to be on the safe side our friend Becky (who is also in the picture) was on hand ready to club it with her beer should he have become hungry, oh and provided it would not have involved spilling any of her beer!

For anyone who is curious, sharks have quite rough sandpaper like skin and this one seemed to quite enjoy the grooming.

Re: Picture Post

ok, stroking the shark is, if anything, more daring to this wuss. I am most impressed by your and Barry's team effort in making nursey feel loved.
Also I couldn't help noticing in passing that the water you are in is extremeley blue and clear, which is fine if you like that kind of thing. We, in Clevedon are more used to our sea water looking more like medium strength milky tea, and hey, we like it that way.
love to you both,B A & M