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Favorite Yummy Recipes


What are your favorite recipes (Aimee's and any other hits)that keep you moving toward THE GOAL :)

Re: Favorite Yummy Recipes

I use an array of them I love to cook and experiment.

I have a great chicken one,..

here goes it has no name....

brown cutlets on both sides in pam
add 1 can diced tomatos
1 can 98% FF cream of mushrom soup
4 cloves garlic
organo, basil, blk pepper

Just add the above ingredients over the cutlet, stir to cover them, 6 pts per serving

cover and cook on top of the stove on low for about 35 min,,
I use 1 cup of brown rice with it 4 pts

and a very large salad 2 pts for lite bleu ch dressing

total points 12