Because I have so darn much to lose, I set a mini-goal for every 10lbs. So I'm pleased to announce that I just hit one!
30 pounds down! YIPEE!
For the last 3 weeks that scale has moved less than a pound! How darn frustrating. I broke out my cheat meal/metabolism booster strategy (I felt a tad guilty but really enjoyed it), and then that scale just dropped like mad over the past 3 days.
I just basically have a food that is normally off limits for one meal during a bad plateau. I try not to get too out of control. Like this week I had a ham sub w/out mayo, but I kept my breakfast and lunch super low cal and fat. I also threw in a few minutes of extra exercise.
Now I caution you, my seeming boost in weight loss may just be due to chance (not a real boost in metabolism). It may have been that those pounds were just ready to go. However, it seems to be a pattern for me, and I'm not opposed to fixing a craving once a month. I would also caution you not to just go hog wild for the whole day.
It just keeps me sane, and it has gotten me through a few nasty plateaus. It's about a once a month thing for me, and I know I'd slide quickly if I did it any more than that.