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Am I Crazy?

I am so dependant upon Aimee's that when I don't see a new posting I become concerned. The last post was Friday, I am anxiously waiting for Saturday's and Sunday's. Does anyone else feel this way?

Re: Am I Crazy?

Ooops: I meant "dependant upon Aimee's blog" LOL!

Re: Am I Crazy?

I think its natural to be concerned when one does not hear from a friend online. Considering this is the main way we all keep in contact. So, no i don't think You are crazy.

I enjoy reading it also.
I love to express my feelings/opinions but i also get in moods where i don't feel like typing them, the words are there but my fingers just don't wanna.
Doing a blog is a commitement and i am sure between the blogs/site/recipes/other sites/other blogs and real life, it may be a bit much on days.

But we all miss the people who don't show up/post here, after we get to know them.

By the way AnnieEmmm, hello!

Re: Am I Crazy?

Sorry AnnieEmmm,
Didn't want you to feel crazy. LOL! I am glad though that you're looking out for me and you're concerned when I don't post. I just had other things I needed to take care of this weekend and decided not to blog. It can all become a bit overwhelming sometimes with everything that I try to keep up with (I actually made it through all of my emails today with the exception of a couple I still need to answer regarding recipes). Now I'm considering adding something else to my plate unless I decide to go and get a 2nd job outside of the house, which I really don't want to have to do because I have no doubt the site will suffer if I do. Keeping up with everything is already more than a full time job, but I enjoy doing it (it's all in tonight's blog without going into great detail as to why). Thanks!

Re: Am I Crazy?

I've been looking also for your blog Aimee.

Happy to say to see one this morning, and we do get days where theres nothing intersting going on..

Those I guess are good days..

Anyway again glad to see you posted....

Re: Re: Am I Crazy?

Feeling Crazy! Are you nuts? I always feel crazy if I can't get to the computer, this site or post!

I feel like I am the only person out there today! So YES I am feeling Crazy today!

Actually I am making up for not posting most of the week. Iseem to have more time during the weekend. But I do read through out the week. And post when ever I can.
So I have to read all that I have missed and that means going back to the site over and over again.

Thanks for sharing what I am feeling!

Jean Cat