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On Program today Mon 4/23 New week.... Go Gang on loss!!!

Well the weather is calling for another beach day, and I am so there. THis is 3 days in a row.

I'll tell you one thing losing weight over the winter sure paid off, its a thrill to get into a bathing suit, and not being self concenious of being in one, especially when I see the summer crowd here strutting around in 2 pcs... Now I can be part of it, a great feeling, yes indeed!!!! well worth the self help, and thanks to my leader in WW that gave me the incentive to move on when I got discouraged and wanted to quit.

Hindsight is always the way to see things..Just to look back into a few weeks, where I was and where I am today....

Anyone struggleing with small losses, just hang in there, and remember hindsight.

I'm on a lite day today, I have a WI tomorrow morning.

so that puts me on program 100% today...

Re: On Program today Mon 4/23 New week.... Go Gang on loss!!!

Dear Tobe and All,
I am on program today too! My wt is up about 1 pounds due to portion control not wrong foods or binging. I'll take that behavor change any day!
I will have a salad with my Zero point Mock Honey Mustard dressing (as much as I want) abot 3 tbsp
4 ounces of my crock pot BBQ beef with pinapple.
1 yam
That is for dinner.
For Breakfast
a Tj Cranberry muffin
Now I just have to get in some water and exercise and I can say I am OP!
But for now this will be the best I can do.
The hernia and teaching day and night classes pevents me from much exercise/walking
I prevent myself from drinking the water!
But for now I am doing what is OP for me.
Happy to be here and following my food plan.
I face major dental surgery on Friday. It will be liquids and soft foods for awhile thereafter. So I am crunching all I can!


Re: On Program today Mon 4/23 New week.... Go Gang on loss!!!

I'm OP with ya. I have a lot going on today (offline) so I probably won't be around much today/tonight unless I get my stuff done. :)

Re: On Program today Mon 4/23 New week.... Go Gang on loss!!!

Well officially this is day 1 on being on program.I actually feel good about this.In fact,my first official weigh in is on Thursday the 26th. But I am going to leave in a bit to attend another meeting.Not to weigh in but just for the encouragement and hopefully keep me in the right direction.I have such a long way to go that I need all the help I can get!!I have to stay focused and strong.And following the plan is the only way to get there.But realizeing it is going to be a tough battle in order to succeed.Thank you all for your friendship and encouragement.

Re: On Program today Mon 4/23 New week.... Go Gang on loss!!!

Cheryl- Good luck on week 1 - you sound very motivated - I am sure you will be just fine - and if not I think I can speak for the rest of the board members here at Aimee's site to say we are all here to help...we are all going strong on the support of others here.
I am just getting to post now - my little one was home from school sick today - but sticking to it 100%. Had my wonderful 4pt chicken sante fe salad for lunch again - I'm hooked.
Here's to a good week everyone (as I toast you with my water jug - LOL!)

Re: On Program today Mon 4/23 New week.... Go Gang on loss!!!

Well I was OP the whole day, which is definitely good because I have had a rough week. I just couldn't seem to get myself under control. So today was good. I also earned, but didn't use, 6+ activity points today.

I also have 11 waters in for the day, which is pretty close to normal for me. I'll have 12 in before I go to bed tonight.

Sweet dreams everyone!

Re: On Program today Mon 4/23 New week.... Go Gang on loss!!!

Tammy if you earned
AP's use them. sometimes if not used the weight won't budge, thats why we also have the 35 WP to use them also...

I use maybe 15 for the week.... I find I have a better loss...
More food, burns more fat...