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Meeting Topic for Week Ending Sat May 12, 07

Topic for WW week ending Sat May 12, 07
Become and Stay more focused using the LENS Method.
Find the details that you are missing that need implementation into your WW program.
Just as you would use certain or specific lenses or tools to find a missing object, such as a microscope, telescope or magnifying glass use the LENS tool to find what is missing in your program then apply it:

Look for habits to change
Eat healthy according to your choice of food plan
Nudge your body into action
Seek support from groups or individuals to help you reach your goals

Use with the 4 Pillars of WW. Here also are the FOUR WW Cornerstones (I have forgotten what they are called):

Attend Meetings
Eat Wisely
Move more
Think First

Three scenarios were given in which we were asked what LENS and Cornerstones would best help the WW members Snacking Jack (Jackie), Moaning Joan (John) and Occasional Carla (Carlos).

The leader drew a circle with them inside as the poster in WW meetings has. Then matched the Scenario with the area of the circle that best described which tools to use.

Scenario I
Jack(or Jackie) has a snack fest each night as soon as he sits in front of the TV, he has soda and salty crunchy as well as sweet high fat snacks.
1. Attend Meetings for ideas on healthy snacking, to learn that he is not alone that others share this same problem.
2. Eat Wisely: Remove tempting snacks from the home
3. Eat Wisely: Stock the house on healthy snacks
4. Think First: Offered by a member:Move to a different area of the home to snack, may miss important TV show, therefore decide to watch TV over snacking
5. Think First Plan snack times and which snacks he can have point-wise.
6. Think First: Prepare
7. Move More: Offered by a member: Do something with your hands or different so that it is not associated with snacking: jigsaw puzzle, get on line at WW message board or other boards make models etc while watch TV or in place of TV.

Scenario II
Joan (or John) swims in the emotion ocean, and turns to food for comfort when blue and joy when up.

1. Attend Meetings for ideas on dealing with emotions, to learn that she is not alone that others share this same problem.
2. Think First -Decide in advance what is the best response and what she will do if this happens again.
3. Think First: Have an activity to do when you are upset: count to 10 or 50 or ??? Allow yourself time to cool off or accept bad news before your react.
4. Think First and Move: Offered by a member:“Journal your emotions and discover what is bothering you”.
4. Move More: The following was offered by a member: Exercise when you can to raise endorphin levels (feel good hormones).

Scenario Special Occasion Carla (or Carlos), includes holidays.

1. Attend meetings for ideas on attending special events, to learn that she is not alone that others share this same problem.
2. Purchase WW Books or subscribe to WW site for recipes (or Aimee’s), share recipes for holidays and events.
3. Plan to cook for the event making it totally WW friends.
4. Offer to bring a dish or just bring it. A casserole that has it all is ideal.
5. Think First: Prepare to save points, eats a salad and lots of fluid before attending,
6. Think First of all the good achievements think about WW sayings (which really carry power) such as: “What goes past the lips for stays on the hips” or “Eat to Live, don’t Live to Eat”
7. Think about your past achievements. Move More: Exercise when you can to raise endorphin levels (feel good hormones).
8. Think First: This was offered by a member: Take a blank journal every bite of food that you take or it cannot be eaten. No fair cheating.
9. Move More: This was offered by a member: Circulate at the party and enjoy the company and socializing, catch up on old friends. .

Hope this helps someone out there who either missed the meeting, dozed off (not focusing!) or does not get to the meetings.

But does anyone want to discuss this further?


Re: Meeting Topic for Week Ending Sat May 12, 07

I am an “emotional moaning Joan” with a bit of occasional Carla and snacking Jackie mixed in.

There is NOT much offered here for the emotional eater. But the members did come up with some things that the Leader did not. It is my contention that Leaders are asked by WW Corporate to stay away from emotional discussions, because they are not psychologists and not equipped to deal with the reactions that some members may display or any emotional breakdowns or outbursts.

I say this because in OA it is self-governing and non-profit and one takes on the responsibility for his or her self. No one is any one person's hands.
So many people following the 12 steps that bring them to emotional places will cry,sob, yell, etc. But no one can be sued because the person has chosen by them self to follow the 12 steps or not. Working a 12 step program is very painful since one must do some deep soul searching. WW likes to keep their meetings more about behavior modification and more UPBEAT.

I don't say one is better per se. I think ALL is needed:
Thinking = Mental
Reacting = Emotional
Moving = Physical
Supporting = Some what Spiritual

Well that is my discussion. I actually got alot out of this topic.

Hope it helps/ed you too!


Re: Meeting Topic for Week Ending Sat May 12, 07

Thanks JeanCat. I wasn't able to stay for the meeting last Wednesday so now I feel like I didn't miss anything. Thanks so much! :)

Re: Meeting Topic for Week Ending Sat May 12, 07

Good report Jeancat...thanks for letting us know..I didn't stay last week either for the meeting...


Re: Meeting Topic for Week Ending Sat May 12, 07

Glad you got something out of it and found it useful!

Any one who needs to or wants further discussion just post your thoughts and questions on this thread!
