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Good morning! Well, it's my third week back OP and I have struggled this week. I had vacation bible school last week along with terrible cravings for salty things (TOM). I have not used all my weekly points this week. I still have 22 left and I WI on Wednesday. However, usually if I dip into the WP, I don't lose. Now as I am typing this, I realize the week hasn't been a total loss. Guess I just need an encouraging word or two. Thanks for listening! I love this board.

PS Amy I ordered your cookbooks and can't wait to get them!

Re: Struggling

Jill- Chin Up! Your doing great! And like you said in your post the week wasn't a total loss! You can keep it that way I just know it! Keep up the great work!

Re: Struggling

I agree with Sarah..

We're human and we're allowed to make mistakes, the trick is to get back on program..

I've been a screw up here and there in the past 9 mo
OP... I love food, which is normal for us who have an eating addiction..

As long as we recongnize what we're doing and what we've done, its OK...

Re: Struggling

Hey Jill,

All of us here have gone through our own versions of this struggle. I understand how it feels when those 'cravings' hit.

First of all, your words: "Now as I am typing this, I realize the week hasn't been a total loss."...... start by giving yourself credit for what you've done right! And I'm sure there's a LOT of credit you can apply to yourself! Give yourself that "atta girl".... and, one more time, remind yourself just WHY you want to accomplish this for yourself. We all have powerful motivation to tap into, but you need to DAILY remind yourself. Food cravings have a way of forcing amnesia upon us, and we forget. Just remind yourself, also, that 'cravings' are NOT hunger, and they DO pass.....IF.....we force our minds away from them and back onto what we hope to accomplish in our lives.

You can do this, you ARE doing this for yourself and your future health and happiness. You are stronger than you think you are. You just need to remind yourself.


Re: Struggling

I just want to say that you're doing great! Just the fact that you're aware of what you're eating and you know that you've done ok means you're trying. That's all any of us can do, is try. Just try and stay focused and you'll make it through. Only two more days until Wednesday gets here. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

PS, thanks for the order! I really appreciate it. I just looked to see what the status of your order is. I'm guessing the books weren't ordered under your first name because I didn't have any orders with the first name of Jill, but if they were ordered under the name of William, then they were mailed out on Friday. You should get them sometime this week. :)

Re: Struggling

Thanks for the encouragement everyone! So far so good today. I took my youngest to day camp, my oldest went to a friend's house so I have made myself stay busy cleaning. I've successfully cleaned the front porch and put water seal on it. Stopped for a lunch break and found all these nice thoughts coming my way. Thanks!

Yes, Aimee, the cookbooks were under my husband's name. I think he is the king of ebay and he set up the paypal account. I'm sure I'll get the books this week. Also, when I get a chance, I'll send a picture so you can add me to the friends if you'd like.

Re: Struggling

Hi Jill! I have been in your shoes many times myself, so I totally understand how you feel. Being OP is just like anything else in life - there are good days and bad. I try to fix a "bad" day by regrouping instead of chucking the whole day if I was bad in the morning. If I over eat for breakfast or lunch, I make sure that I have a light dinner and fit in some extra exercise that night. Hang in there, and remember...take it one day at a time!