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It's Monday, lets move it!!!

I challenge everyone to get up and move it for at least 20 minutes today! Post and tell us what you did! I am no my way to the gym now.
Have a great day everyone!

Re: It's Monday, lets move it!!!

Ok Tammy,
I'm going to move it today. I'm on my way to the living room right now to hook up my Playstation so I can kick my legs and punch my arms. :) I'll come back and let you know how long I lasted when I'm done. Hopefully I won't be right back. LOL!

Re: It's Monday, lets move it!!!

Wow! You must have lasted a really long time or else you've passed out from all the kicking and punching! I hope you had fun. That really does sound like it would be great fun. I did my 45 minutes on the elliptical and then did about 40 minutes of weight training for my legs and abs (or lack thereof! LOL)
What did everyone else do today???

Re: It's Monday, lets move it!!!

I mowed the yard this am. About 1 1/2 hours of pushing a lawn mower. Went swimming with my son in our pool. Tonight after it cools down, we as a family go for a walk.

O yeah, I also do my back therapy exercises every morning. Herniated disk problems...

Re: It's Monday, lets move it!!!

I did 20 mins of yoga, then walked to my office from my apartment (about 4 miles)

Re: It's Monday, lets move it!!!

Well, before I got started I ended up sending off a couple of emails and then had to make a phone call. LOL! It took me awhile to get it set up and get the lighting right. I use to have my PS2 in my office where it's brighter, but now it's in the living room where there isn't much natural light. I had to come in here and unplug my desk lamp to use as a kind of spotlight to get the Eyetoy camera to get me to show up on the screen (imagine that. as big as I am you'd think it could see me. LOL). Then I had to get it focused, set up my user name and weight, yada, yada, yada. LOL! Once I did get started, I lasted for about 45 minutes. Great fun though! I didn't even feel like I was exercising and the time flew by. My arms will probably be sore tomorrow. I was kickin' butt! LOL!!!

Re: It's Monday, lets move it!!!

First thing this morning I went to the gym and walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes on the cardio setting breaking a sweat within 5 minutes. Stepped off of that and went to the eliptical for another 20 and then back on the treadmill for 20. We have a limit of 20 minutes at a time on the popular machines. Left that gym and went to the second gym to do water aerobics for 1 hour. I will return tonight to do them again because I want to experience a different instructor. If I don't do my major work out first thing in the morning you my as well forget it.

Re: It's Monday, lets move it!!!

I took a nap LOL........

I haven't been moving anything since I began sitting on the beach everyday.. Yup you would think I'd walk the beach in the morning, but summers I take off from exercising,
I get enough running around after this crazy puppy of mine, I turn my back and shes off with something in her mouth

Fall will be here in NJ soon enough, so while its beach season I take full advantage of it.

I take my hat off to all the movers on here.

Re: It's Monday, lets move it!!!

LOL @ Tobe! I can just see you chasing that puppy around going "drop it! Bring that back!" Riley is almost 2 years old and he still does it. I have to bribe him with a little treat to get stuff back from him usually (a bad habit I started when he first started taking things, but that little booger had some really sharp baby teeth, so I learned to just bribe him instead of getting bit). I think he's a smart dog and goes and gets the stuff just so he can get a treat. I've seen him come into my office, grab a paper out of the trash can, and then bring it into the living room and just sit there looking at me like "well, if you want this you know what it's going to cost you". LOL!!!!!! I think he has ME trained! :) If I lived in CA I'd take him to see Cesar Milan (The Dog Whisperer). LOL!

Re: It's Monday, lets move it!!!

The best is when she gets that roll of toilet paper or a skein of yarn, thats when the chase begins.

so who needs exercise, i get plenty.
I was just thinking that today, when the great chase started, when she grabbed a ball of yarn, I thought wow you move it all day long when your home and dear Jeni is out of the crate.
i must put a few miles on every day.

I need that gadget to see how much I move my butt when I'm home...

thats why i go to the beach just to plotz on a chair and stick my face in a book.. peace time

Re: It's Monday, lets move it!!!

I did move and sweat today; Did 20 minutes on my incline treadmill, i figured i was sitting there watching tv i should just Move ittttt!

Going to do some toning/weights later on

Re: It's Monday, lets move it!!!

Hi there, well I just got home from working out at the gym and I bumped up my cardio to a total of 45 mins and then I did all the weight machines and I feel tired, but a good tired.

Re: It's Monday, lets move it!!!

I walked 2 miles in 45 mins on my treadmill.

Re: It's Monday, lets move it!!!

I did my favorite Walk Away The Pounds last night at 10.00. I have moved my workout time to late in the evening, because I don't feel rushed and really enjoy the time. I take a nice shower or bath and sleep like a baby afterwards.
