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How was the weekend?

I know for me at least the weekend is the hardest time for me to stay on but I did pretty well this weekend. What about everyone else?

Re: How was the weekend?

Hi Scott! My weekend went pretty well. The hardest part was when Rick and I went to the drive in movie on saturday night. I haven't been since at least last year, maybe the year before. My usual staple there would have been popcorn and some kind of candy like Reese's Pieces, but this time I went prepared. I took diet soda, a couple of light string cheese and jello in a cooler bag. I'm not saying I still didn't want popcorn (I know it was all in my mind because I ate a late dinner before I went and I wasn't hungry). I just wanted it because it was a habit that had been drilled into my brain. I drank my soda, ate a piece of cheese and ate my jello and got through it. I was so happy afterwards that I didn't give in.

Yesterday I spent the entire day cleaning and doing laundry. I cleaned out closets, scrubbed floors, etc. I kept myself so busy I totally forgot about eating dinner. It wasn't until around 9:30 or 10:00 last night I was putting the step stool away and I thought to myself "did I eat dinner?" LOL! That never happens! Then I debated on if I should just skip it since it was so late, or if I should go ahead and eat something. I decided to go ahead and eat because I was afraid if I waited, the hunger would set in around midnight and I'd rather eat at 10 PM than midnight. I'm sore today. I think I used muscles I haven't used in a while. LOL!

Re: How was the weekend?

Good to hear you stayed on track Scott

I treat Sat and Sun just as I would a Mon or a Tues.

In the beginning it was hard I have to admit that, but the longer I'm on WW the easier it gets.
You'll see that happen also...

All 7 days are now the same for me. and with a WI on Tues morning first thing, I have to be careful on weekends, I don't have room to play around..

Re: How was the weekend?

I have to treat the weekends like every other day and stay OP. First time around, I was slack on the weekends and it took me 2 years to reach my goal. I vowed this time not to do that. I do find the weekends tough though. Didn't do extremely well this past weekend, but I am still within my weekly points. Have a great day!

Re: How was the weekend?

I'm with you Jill. I'm tired of playing around. I'm ready to get to goal. I played around off and on the last time I did this too. I'm just tired of being fat and out of shape, not to mention I'm tired of eating junk and sweets that only make me feel bad afterwards.

Re: How was the weekend?

I think for some weekends are hard because if they work a 'normal'week, they have Saturday-Sunday off. And its so easy to slip back into old habits or do the justify thingee, "Oh i worked so hard all week, i will reward myself by eating".....
I also treat the weekends like any other OP day. MY Op is not 5 days long

Re: How was the weekend?

I had a pretty good weekend! Saturday, nothing special wanted to cheat REALLY bad, but did just a little. Sunday, I had a family cookout. It was mostly all low fat and they didn't even know it. How cool is that! The men wanted brats, ok that's not great but I didn't eat them. I had ground round burgers, 1 pt. buns (took everything out of packages so they didn't know. Plenty of fruit, homeade salsa. Light chips and I made my taffy apple salad and the cake the Tobe made last weekend. The one thing I did have, which I saved my points for was wine! So all in all I did great and so did everyone else without really knowing it which made it even better!

Really I try to tell myself it is just another day and not to look at it as it's the weekend so I can sluff off. It is hard to do, some days are really good some not.

Re: How was the weekend?

Weekends are the easiest for me since I work both days.. Even though I work with food...I'm not as tempted as I was before WW days...My days off during the week are probably harder but then i try to keep busy..I have a "retired" hubby at home, he is always under my feet along with the kitties..I know one thing....when we remodeled the kitchen about 10 years ago we should have made a bigger kitchen so "retired" hubby wouldn't be under my elbow all the time....Nobody warned me about that.....

Re: How was the weekend?

The weekends used to be hard but the longer I do WW the easier it gets. You get to learn ways to have a nice weekend and eat food that you enjoy that low in points and healthy.
We usually BBQ chicken sausage that I buy homemade at a Italian shop and have corn watermelon and a big salad for dinner. Its truely more delicous than any fattening food.

Re: How was the weekend?

We eat McDonald's alot with the kids on weekends. I used to dread going (not getting a dbl cheeseburger is hard) but now I love going. I'm in LOVE with the grilled chicken bacon ranch salad (no dressing). I'd much rather have it than my cheeseburger now. I don't want to say you get used to it, but you get to where you like making better choices for yourself.