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Aimee needs our help!!!!!!!!

Aimee would really like to get the Community Cookbook of all our favorites together. The sales from it will help keep this site going...Can you all come up with some of your favorites and send them to Aimee? Come on...we need to help her....Can anyone help me advertise it on other sites??? Anything you could do would be appreciated...

Re: Aimee needs our help!!!!!!!!

I will help.. What do I have to do?

Re: Aimee needs our help!!!!!!!!

I'll send in another this afternoon,
I came up with a good one yesterday, I had it for dinner last nite and it was yummy.

Hot Sausage(turkey) with Peppers/onions/garlic
over a pasta with fra diavolo sauce.

only 11 points for a large serving....

Re: Aimee needs our help!!!!!!!!

i'm sure i can come up with some, do i send them to her email? i have really been talking about the site at my WW meetings and how it has helped me and they've been writing the address down, so expect more visitors! i'm also ordering my 100lb t shirt today, i should have it off by the time it arrives, only 3.4 to go!

Re: Aimee needs our help!!!!!!!!

Hey Cheryl.. You have lost 100lbs. How long did it take you. That is great. Tell me all about your will power.

Re: Aimee needs our help!!!!!!!!

What Aimee needs is ANY recipe that you like that is something that you would make again....It can come from anywhere, just that it is something you like...
She needs to come up with at least 200 recipes to pull this off and it would help her..(lots) Lets stand behing her and help her....You can send them to aimee that would be fine....Lets all dig around and see what we can come up with.....Thanks..


Re: Aimee needs our help!!!!!!!!

Thanks Cheryl for advertising aimees site for her..Everything helps...By the way, what a FANTASTIC weight loss, and almost to goal...You need to give yourself a great big pat on the back, my friend...


Re: Aimee needs our help!!!!!!!!

Hey Patty,

I'd love to add a recipe or two from my own collection. I know it's been posted, but could you give me the email address to send them to?

I have, as I know most of us do, a huge file of recipes. I've collected them from all over. Most I adapt and re-invent over time. If I've recorded the source, of course I'd include that. But I gotta tell you, I change everything, lol.

I do have a killer low fat, sour cream blueberry pancake with SF syrup recipe that is a staple for me. It evolved out of at least two sources. So now, it is a pattyjo original.

This whole project sounds like fun!



Re: Aimee needs our help!!!!!!!!

Do you mean low points recipes (WW friendly) or any recipe?


Re: Aimee needs our help!!!!!!!!

I really appreciate everyone's help!

If you'd like to submit a recipe, here's the link:


Recipes should be somewhat low in points, nothing too high in fat so that people aren't using all their points to eat one meal. To help give you an idea: I'd like to try and keep main dishes 10 points and below or so, side dishes and desserts 5 points and below, soups 5 points and below per cup and so on. They don't have to be something you personally created, just your favorite. Even if it's from another cookbook that's fine, I won't get sued as long as I'm not copying the majority of the cookbook. LOL! As long as you've actually tried the recipe and it's your favorite, then that's what I'm looking for. :)

If you have any other questions, just let me know. Again, thank you!!!

Re: Aimee needs our help!!!!!!!!

I will try to think of some recipes I use that I didnt get from Aimee!! hahaha!

Re: Aimee needs our help!!!!!!!!

LOL Sandy! :)