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Hello and HELP

First of all, let me say how impressed I am with this website and all of you nice folks. So yes, I have been looking at you'll for a while. I have been an on again off-again member of Weight Watchers for about 6 years. More off than on, I must admit. I have tried for 7 or 8 months to get motivated and find I do well for 2 or 3 weeks and then fall off the wagon. It seems to be a cycle. I think I need a support system. I am blessed with 3 children and therefore have all kinds of snacks and cook all kinds of things that I don't need. (Such as homemade mac & cheese made with Velvetta) I find myself cooking regular for the family and trying to fix myself something different-trying to avoid their dinner. This is also expensive. I also have clean your plate syndrome-taught as a child to eat everything and not to be wasteful. Any suggestions or tips or a buddy to encourage?

Re: Hello and HELP

Welcome Lori
Sure this is hard, nobody ever told us losing weight would be easy.
Just like the alcholic/drug addict, needs that support system, meetings and more meetings.

I was told Meeeting Makers Make it, and how true those few little words are,
Its a WE kind of program, us with addictions whatever they might be, need the help of others.

I found I can't control food alone, I have to go and showup weekly, and make a plan for myself for the day, starting out first thing in the morning with a Journel, and know exactly what my day holds for me in the food dept.

I first joined WW when my youngest was 2, thats over 30 yrs ago, I was able to cook for them and then take care of myself. I was very successful. I hit goal and then became a life time member.
My problem is, I never could maintain what I did, I stopped going to WW thought I could do this on my own, "WRONG"

This time around I vowed when I hit goal, I would no matter what keep going weekly to that scale and stay for the meeting. In the past 9 going on 10 mo I missed 1 meeting. for me thats a miracle.

so i say, Lori, If I can do this, anyone can.

GOod Luck and hope to get to know you.......

Re: Hello and HELP

Ohhhh Lori i HAVE A points friendly mac -n- cheese recipe with Velvetta(lite)cheese. I also have kids, though they are 13& 14 now,but when i did WW 6-7 years ago, they ate what i ate. They still eat what i eat.(Plus i am a vegeterain, and i dont buy meat. There is no reason for me to cook differently for them. I make desserts, buy snacks. I do cook "regular. What helps me is i ask them to help me cook/bake. And i love looking for new recipes. You can do this and not cook differently or seperately for Your family. Remember this is a lifestyle change not a diet.

Hang in there, we were all in the same boat oncc, and the wagon!!! I know what helps me is i plan a few days in advance what i am going to make/bake.

I am on my way to work, when i get back i will post the Mac-cheese recipe. I dont see an email addy for You so i will post it here.

Re: Hello and HELP

hello lori..

u are actually a neighbor i live closer to bowling about thirty five mile...allen county is where i am...but anyways..i am a mother of seven..so i can relate to the problems you are havein...but what i have started doin..is just making healthier dinnerd with more veggies in my meals...leaner stuff...i eat what ever i fix them..i even fix the whole made mac and cheese..just do some substitution(i am a bad speller)go to wheat macorroni..and ff cheese..and i know its expensive..i cant afford it...so if i amd just diein to have some mac a nd cheese..i only get a out enough for one bite...and i eat that last..that way i am already full...not only did i want to eat healthier i wanted my kids and hubby to..cause if they didnt they would end up like me over weight....i dont deprieve myself cause then i would end up giving in later and binging....i just know this weight loss os somethin i want...and it has been workin for me..i have lost 17 pounds all together...and no it hasnt been easy..but it has been good..cause i feel much better health wise and mental....i hope this has helped...feel free to email any time..i dont mind doin a buddy system..we all need support.....

Re: Hello and HELP

Thanks for all who responded. Like the little train I keep saying. . . I think I can, I think I can, I know I can. (ha-the teacher is coming out in me) You folks are at a different point than I am. I did this a few years back and had a marvelous result-I think I just have a lot going and not enough time to focus and organize myself. I will climb back up and go again-

Re: Hello and HELP

Welcome to aimee's message board, Lori...Nice to have you among us...You did it before and I'm sure you can do it again. Stick with us and we can all do it together...Aimee has been really busy lately working on her new website...I'm sure she will drop in when she has time... We have a few from tn on the message board..where in Tn are you at?..I'm headed for Collierville the end of July to see our little grandson..Let us know how you are doing...


Re: Hello and HELP

Hello Patty! Collierville is about 1 1/2 hours from me. Be prepared it is very hot and humid here. Enjoy your time with your grandson!!!!!!!!

Re: Hello and HELP

Welcome Lori from TN to the messaging part of the board! Hope to see more of your posts!

Still looking for and can't wait fro that low fat mac n valveeta lite cheese that Akus wrote about! Hm...sounds great.
