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Someone noticed

When i first started changing my lifestyle, i knew i had lost 6 pounds the first week. I also knew, by week 5 i had lost 16.6 pounds. I also knew it would take more before anyone else noticed. So quietly i went about my program and my daily exercises. 20 pounds, friends noticed, they could always tell in my face. 30 pounds, oh yes i can tell from your belly, i was told. The ones who said nothing were just plain jealous i decided.I had one person ask me during the first few weeks how much i lost, only because i told her i went back to WW. She had lost 15 pounds in a few months, just by eating waffles each night for dinner( OHHHHHHHH yes sign me up for that "diet". Sorry Mr Eggo) After i passed the 15 pound lose on my journey she stopped asking me.

Today after 34.8 pounds and some new slimmer pants( i have to admit i LOOKED good in them, even if they are work pants) The manager of the store came up to me and said, Kim, are you on a diet or something? And i said, "yeah or something,i go to Weight watcher. I just changed my way of eating and i exercise almost every day. i lost 35 pounds. His reply was, "Well the results are really starting to show!!!" This is from a man who you have to pull teeth to get him to say good job! I was so proud. I think that sounded better to me than him telling me today i got a raise!

Re: Someone noticed

And oh how good it feels! Finally after all these years I have learned that when they start saying you are getting skinny to just say thank you and smile.

Re: Someone noticed


I work with mostly men (I'm a police officer), so I know how seldom they will compliment someone. It seems that women are much quicker to compliment and encourage others. So, good for you for the much deserved kudos!!!

Re: Someone noticed

Way to go Akus. I know that feeling too. The compliments are an added bonus....being able to tie my shoes without holdng my breath makes it all worthwhile. I'm glad they noticed....you deserve it!

Re: Someone noticed

Akus, I know how good it feels when someone notices you have lost weight....But to have a man notice
they just never say anything...or at least my husband wouldn't... Great job......

Re: Someone noticed

I love when people notice.

Re: Someone noticed

Isn't that a great feeling, but don't let it get to your head, i know for myself when the compliements start about weight loss, I get cocky and I guess it gives me permission so I think to go back to old habits, but this time around, I'm not going there.

We all know the work we've put into taking off the weight, and now its up to us not to sabotage it.

Good going on the loss Akus.......

Re: Someone noticed

Congrats! That is awesome when people start noticing! Keep up the great work!

Re: Someone noticed

Congrats Akus!

I was one who let compliments go to my head too!
This time I am not going to let it. Besides I am a lot older now.

I too have been getting the remarks. my female co-workers noticed more when I had to buy some new clothes! Then the how much have you lost questions came.

Most have told me my stomach and face. I have hardly any hips. So some of my hs students have noticed my backside is smaller.

It is a good feeling when you are not discussing it and others notice!

Thanks for sharing, it makes me feel more comfortable with the compliments, which I do not take well OR I let them go to my head.
