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Question of the day - if you have kids

What one gift did your kids want more than anything for Christmas and did you get it for them??

DS age 12- skateboard, yup we got it

DD age 8 - Littlest Pet shop Electronic Diary, yup got that one too

DS age 5 - Fire Fighter dress up outfit, yup got it.

Woo Hoo! Santa rocks over here. LOL

how about you?

Re: Question of the day - if you have kids

My kids wanted things I would never get them like a laptop and they already have a computer and a better cell phone...they got pre paid ones from their birthday money.
The big hit is the rib stick thats like a skate board that you rock your body to make it go on its own. Our kids got soooo much and they are spoilt but I think they are good happy kids and I'm glad I can spoil them.

Re: Question of the day - if you have kids

My 8 year old son wanted a MP3 player but he got an I-Pod and he is was thrilled!

Re: Question of the day - if you have kids

My 5 year old wanted a doll house with an elevator. Santa brought that, but she had to give the doll house she had to our church who helps families out at Christmas. I was proud of her because she packed it up all on her own and gave it away 3 weeks ago.
My 2 year old- he didn't really care, but Santa brought him a big green pedal tractor. I think it made my husband's day more than anything.

Re: Question of the day - if you have kids

My son was is 6 wanted this remote controlled Tri Clops attack car thingy... Santa brought that.
He had a good Christmas.