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Is Aimee around ?

I'm busier than ever and I need time to be here because I know what will happen if I dont be accountable. I hope your around Aimee and email me if you want to chat.

Re: Is Aimee around ?

Aimee popped in on the Merry Christmas thread just to say Hi. Guess she must be busy with her new job

Re: Is Aimee around ?

I'm still around. I've just been extremely busy with my hospital job and trying to keep up with cookbook orders. I'm not doing a great job with keeping up with emails, my blog or the message board right now. I feel like I never have time to get things done anymore. :( I'm going to be adding a medical terminology class to my schedule soon too. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it yet, but I know it needs to be done. If only I could clone myself, that would be nice. :)

As far as my weight loss goes... I've pretty much eaten whatever I wanted for the past 2-3 weeks and I've gained 5 pounds because of it. I'm getting back on track now.

I'm considering stopping the progress chart that Tobe collects data for me each week. A lot of people aren't sending in their results each week (including myself) and I just don't have time to keep it updated these days. Everyone is more than welcome to continue posting their results here on the message board each week to stay accountable though.

Anyway, I do think about you all often and I apologize for all of the changes that have taken place here at the message board lately, and for not being around much these days. I knew taking on a 2nd full time job would be tough when I did it. I just didn't realize how many things would suffer from my lack of time.

In case I don't get back here before Tuesday... Happy New Year, New You!

Re: Is Aimee around ?

I gained 4 1bs over the holidays and totally understand.
Hope everything get easier soon.

Re: Is Aimee around ?

We are all so proud of you for taking this job and committing to it one hundred percent! I know you will find time and energy for the course you need. Don't worry about letting anyone down..... you could always appoint others to help keep the boards up if you need to!
I enjoy reading your progress and your real life struggles. Happy New Year and I hope your wild schedule tames a bit for you soon.
Take care,