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We can do this!!!

Okay everybody. I have read the posts from many of you and we have done extremely well this past year. We have the ablilty to get back on the band wagon. The weight we may have put on over this holiday will not stay....we will get back on program and return to exercising and go to those weekly meetings.

I wish to ditto all of the resolutions from a previous post for myself except I would make it to push my exhusband down a flight of stairs. Sounded like a good idea to me. Also I want to add to learn how to eat at holidays and back off immediately afterwards to reduce those added holiday pounds like I know thin counterparts do.

I just threw something deep into the trash so I would not eat anymore of it and I will do that with other such things if I run across something that will cause me a problem and delete the temptation.

I feel okay about this holiday season and know that I am capable of doing a great job at my weight loss adventure and will continue maintaining.


Re: We can do this!!!

Anyone been watching the discovery health channel today? They have a health challenge and Doctor Pamela Peeke has a video, I believe it is the first one they show on the challenge website and it is a good one for all of us on maintenance and anyone else.

Re: We can do this!!!

LOL@ the ex' tossing down the steps!!

I think it should be an Olympic Sport.

Cheryl thanks for all You have written. We all did do very well, OP or not. We was accountable.

I also toss things in the garbage (* the dumplings, mashed potatoes left over from today)