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OP - Wednesday January 2nd

Good morning! Welcome to another great OP day!

The kids go back to school today. We thought they might get a snow day, but the storm we expected really fizzled out, so it looks like they will have to go...

We are eating out for both lunch and dinner, but I am okay with that. I cam make good choices and have a great OP day and not worry about it!


Re: OP - Wednesday January 2nd

Its cold as hell here, a great excuse to stay in the warm house, but I have to get out the door and head myself to WW..
I thought this morning, its ok to skip this week, then another thought came, don't start, one week
skipped leads into two and the cycle goes on..

My mind is made up, I have to go... to be accoutable not only to myself but to my leader and the rest of the Tuesday crew who have been with me from the
getgo.. so thats my OP today.

Re: OP - Wednesday January 2nd

Hi Everyone! Here's to another good OP day. Wow you guys are inspiring. Tobe, I too went through a 'why not start next week' issue yesterday...am so thrilled and relieved I didn't buy into my old way of doing things. Take care, and enjoy life's blessings today. Maajida

Re: OP - Wednesday January 2nd

We were suppose to go back to school today but we did have a cancelation due to the weather but not until we had gone to a 2 hour delay and it was almost time for staff to start showing up at work. I am enjoying today. The first two days we had were too close to Christmas and I had too many pressing things to do for the holidays. It is nice and quiet. I did go to the gym first thing this morning and burnt off 350 calories. 20 minutes on the treadmill with the pulse set at 114 so that the intensity changed keeping it aerobic. Did the same on the eliptical for 20 minutes and put it down to 112 on the recumbet bike for 10 minutes. GOT IT DONE!

Re: OP - Wednesday January 2nd

For one minute i also thought, oh i dont wanna go, and thought about going to weigh in later in the week, but that means a 45 minute drive for something that takes me 15 minutes to drive to when i weigh in here. So here it is 10:15 AM and i went and weighed in at 9:30, plus i stopped and got gas, been home for a half an hour, and ate a pear. I got all that done and still weighed in!!

Anyway, i am OP.........i gotta be

Re: OP - Wednesday January 2nd

So far OP today. Just found out we are going to a movie and dinner at a Thai place tonight. I've looked at the Dining Out book and written down the names of a few dishes I can order. Will be really careful since I weigh in tomorrow.

Re: OP - Wednesday January 2nd

Op for me today.