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my reward

This is something i been thinking about for a long time. When i reach goal, which i have, but i mean when i reach "my" goal, i deserve something other than food. I would love nails, but because of my work, i can not wear that. Piercings? Nah i have them.
Tattoes, no, i have them also,but i may get another one.

Clothes.now we are talking, i have alot of jeans but only 3 that fit me good. 2 of them were given to me and the third is a pair of cord's. I been looking for size 10 jeans and never see any i like, until i seen these......


Now i would never and wont again pay that much for anything let alone jeans, well i may for shoes, i love shoes, but hell i worked hard to get my butt to look that good in those jeans.

Re: my reward

OMG- $182. for jeans - I feel like I am splurging when I go to Marshall's and find a pair for $16.99!

They should give you a discount because they didn't need to use much material for the small size you are now wearing. Way to go!

Re: my reward

i KNOW!!!! but(t) to go from wearing black sweat pants size 2x to wearing size 10 jeans, is something i never wore, even growing up i never wore 10's. Even the last time i lost weight did i wear 10's

Re: my reward

Dont buy yet. Wait a few weeks to see where you end up. I did that and now I have alot of clothes that are in between what size I am and was. I now wear a size 4 and cried with happiness when I fit in a size 10.
Those jeans would look amazing but I never pay anything like that for any clothes.
Its alot of fun buying a whole new wardrobe including underwear and nities (wink)..lol. I threw out my small clothes many moons ago because I dident think i would ever need them again.

Re: my reward

I feel comfortable at 5'7 and 155-157 and that is what i weigh now ( 156.8) I do not really want to lose any more weight,because i been doing exercise since i been OP,and its getting tight and toned. I did notice a huge improvement in my inner thighs and my lower abs. I am actually shocked that i have still been losing. I know its all about the food choices i make that will be what is key for me to maintain this weight. I may eat higher point foods once in a while, but not think i can eat 4 servings of ice cream because i did some AP's and i can use those points plus the weekly 35 and i can go up & down 2 pounds either way. I DO NOT want to start thinking like that

Re: my reward

I get alot of my clothes from the thrift store or second hand store.I get all name brand and people are SKOCKED when they hear where I shop.Don't get me wrong I do splurge and buy some clothes in real stores,but while losing the weight I couldn't bear the thought of buying something I knew I would out grow into a smaller size.Plus when I do outgrow into a smaller size I pass those larger clothes to a friend or back to the thrift store.Oh,I also got a designer purse for 30 bucks!Tag was still in it!

Re: my reward

I misunderstood!You want to reward yourself with those jeans when you are completely done with weight loss.You go for it!You would look awesome and it would be a great motivation for you to keep your butt fitting in those jeans if you paid that price for them!Go for it and good luck!

Re: my reward

Yes,that is my reward.

I also need to check out the Thrift/second hand stores. I use to go to them all the time, not so much for me but when my kids were little.

Re: my reward

I have made small goals for myself and I reward myself when I make them. My first goal is 30 lbs. and I am a little over 10 lbs. away from reaching that. I would like to get my nose pierced and I told myself that if I lost 30 lbs. I would do that.