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Weigh in Sun 1/15


Re: Weigh in Sun 1/15

Lost .5

Man, I was hoping for more, but a loss is a loss none the less!!

Re: Weigh in Sun 1/15

Funny,how when the loss is not what we expect, we always hope for more, but when its a gain of .5, we look at it very differently.
There were times that i too thought like that, but if i knew i was OP and doing my exercise, working my program, making smart choices. It always worked out and the next week at the scale it showed.
Now that i am have reached WW goal and i am 1.8 away from my own personal goal, .5 sounds great!!!

Hang in there Carrie,it is all about accountablity and you are committed to that.

Re: Weigh in Sun 1/15

I also look at a slight gain today as no big deal, that negative thinking is enough to put one in a whirlwind, or tailspin..

as long we know we did the next right thing for the day or the week. its just a number....

I can feel myself wanting to give up on WW. I have to take a look inside myself and see whats going on..
I don't know if I'm bored or whats going on with me..

I know I can't gain any weight back I have no more
fat clothes...

and i refuse to go fetch them back where I sent them, and I'm certainly not going out to buy any large sizes, so what am I telling myself, that i have to continue on my lifestyle of WW..

Hopefully sometime today my mindset will change and get myself back on track, not that I went off track. well you know what I'm talking about duh!!!!!!!

Re: Weigh in Sun 1/15

Sometimes my weight loss takes a little longer to show up--like 8-9 days, not 7...I just know that I am working out a lot too and that builds muscle. I go by how I feel in my clothes. They are getting looser, so that means I'm losing inches.

Re: Weigh in Sun 1/15

Tobe- Hope by now you mind has flipped the switch and you are feeling better. You are such an inspiration to me and others that I can't bear to think of you losing hope. Maybe it's time to shake up your meals and activity to keep things fresh.
Good luck. We need you so keep at it

Re: Weigh in Sun 1/15

Toby...boy can I relate to you today...Aimee and I started ww. July of 2001..I did great...lost 50# in about 7 months..I was going to do this forever....nothing would temp me...NO WAY!!! Well, I was doing great..keeping track of the points for everything...eating just what it took to maintain...Well, my husband retired 3 years ago...suddenly going out to eat was something we enjoyed since we don't do much for fun..At first I was "being good"...then it got harder....and harder. I got really tired of watching everything that went into my mouth. Then Aimee started to gain her weight back...I think that is when I started to doubt that it would be a life time thing for me. After all, I love food..I love to eat out..I got really tired of salads and all the good stuff I should be eating anyway.. So when I was still down 10# under goal about a year ago..I think I just kind of gave up on myself. I figured with such a strong family tie to cancer...what the heck..probably die of cancer anyway.. So...little by little I added in stuff I shouldn't...remember I was so tired of everything I had been eating for the last 5 years. Well over the past year I have put back on the 10 I was under goal...I have never been a size 4..no way..I have bigger bones than that. I have still been a size 16..Then one day a couple weeks ago I woke up and I was 2# over goal...I think I was kind of shocked...I started really watching what I was eating...being really good...weighing myself everyday just like I always did.I was down 2# and really proud of myself..I knew I was on my way down. I got on the scales and I was back up 2# I was so upset even though I knew I was doing ok with what I was eating...I decided to stop weighing myself everyday and just start writing down and staying within my points. So far I'm doing ok the last 3 days..Never before did weighing myself everyday ever upset me when I went up.. I would just tell myself I had too much sodium.. I would go back down...no problem. Combined with being tired of doing ww and not being able to exercise for almost a year due to getting cortisone shots in my foot..I guess I was just plain TIRED...So..to make long story short..don't do what I did. I felt so much better when I was the 10 below my goal and not right at goal like I am now...Don't give up Tobe...you are such a big part of aimee's message board and we all care about you....

Re: Weigh in Sun 1/15

ok ladies I hear you...
I've been on track all day, and Patty I did what you did, this week i didn't weigh myself in two mornings, thats a first in the 10 months on maintenance, I spoke to a good frienc today and told her what was going on. she just joined WW 5 or 6 weeks ago, and she said, dont, stop I need you.
I then thought I have to go on, and with my crazy thinking not once did I think of junk food, pizza, choc, cake etc...

its just my head telling me to stop being a fanatic with this WW stuff. not that I thought I was, I was just taking it one day a time, just as I did in Oct of 06 when I started my weight loss journey...

My thoughts are different tonite from what they were
this morning...

I'm staying right here with all of you.. and thanks so much for your concern for me..