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I never use to eat cereal when i was overweight. I felt it never filled me up, i did not think i was satisfied, because i did not think in terms of being satisifed, what i needed,what i wanted, how i felt was to feel full/stuffed!!!

now to the present time after learning a new way of eating.......i love cereal, though i do not eat it every day, because i like a variety of things.

I did buy 3 new boxes of cereal tonight. I usually eat the Kashi Brands and Special K.
Tonight i bought the Fiber One, Caramel Delight..... OHH it rocks!!!
I think that is my "new" ice cream

Re: Cereal

I really like Steel Cut Oats. Some days I add 1/2 cup Fiber One (original flavor) to it. This morning I did that and added 1/3 cup dried cranberries. That was a filling breakfast. I keep hearing good things about the Carmel Fiber one. I may have to try it sometime.

Re: Cereal

I'm not a cereal eater too

funny this should come up today..
I just bought a box of kashi with fruit in it..

I plan on 1 cup with skim milk in the morning..
the eggbeater deal is getting beat with me, in other words boring...

so this should be a nice change..
when I do have cereal its usually fiber 1 in my yogart.

Re: Cereal

I also like oatmeal, i have never tried McCann's Irish Oatmeal (Steel Cut Oats)
I like adding hot chocolate mix and a banana to my oatmeal in the morning.

Re: Cereal

I eat cereal every morning with fruit like bannanas and fresh strawberries and 2% milk.
My favorite is quick Irish oatmeal cooking it in the microwave ..I use half milk half water and smuckers sugar free syrup.
I like special k with strawberries and add my own fruit and Kashi.

Re: Cereal

How many points is the Fiber 1 Caramel cereal? And does it taste like regular fiber 1 - like little twigs? I cant seem to eat that as a cereal, but sometimes will add a small amount to yogurt. I hear it is good ground up as a bread crumb replacement although I havent used it that way yet.

I do love the fiber 1 bars - they are like a high fiber candy bar.

I have been eating plain cheerios, and also Quaker corn bran (high in fiber too) and sometimes the steel cut oats when I have 35 minutes to make it. Could use a change too. Almost bought raisin bran, but it was 3 points for one serving - kinda high for a small amount.


Re: Cereal

I just bought the fiber one caramel delight at walmart today. It looks more like chex mix only smaller, not like the fiber clusters. It is 1 pt. for 1/2 cup dry and 3 pts. for 1 cup. At first I tried just snacking on 1/2 cup dry which was very good. Then I tried 1/2 cup with a little milk and it was ok. I preferred it dry to being with milk. When you add milk you can't taste the caramel as much. I will be taking this to work for a snack for my break..not bad for 1 pt....

Re: Cereal

I love that Fiber One Carmel delight.