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No one laugh. What does DH stand for?

I keep reading the threads and I must be slow, I don't know what DH stands for. Duh Husband? Need a clue here!

Re: No one laugh. What does DH stand for?

yup I also assume its husband I think thats the WW board talk...

Re: No one laugh. What does DH stand for?

Duh husband is tooo funny! LOL DH is darling or dear husband.

I know you said no laughing, but that was too cute! Thanks!
PS I guess some days that "duh" husband would fit too depending on the day or situation! hehehe

Re: No one laugh. What does DH stand for?

Okay, Dear makes more sense! He must be having more of a duh day today, but I do have to say he is very Dear