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OP- Thursday February 14th

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope everyone has a wonderful day with their Valentine.

I will be OP for sure, regardless of whatever Valentine's treats come my way. I know DH did NOT buy me sweets and that is good. The kids don't have their parties until tomorrow, and I just made up my mind that whatever treats they bring home are "theirs," and are off limits to me. Done.

Have a good one!

Re: OP- Thursday February 14th

OP today...me too...although I admit working in a school will be a challenge as students bring me treats and try to stay and watch and see if I eat them....gotta find a way to tell them I'll save them for later and then ditch them before they make into my mouth and destroy my OP day....such a journey seeking balance in all this...Maajida

Re: OP- Thursday February 14th

tell the kids that your having some blood work done, and you can't have sugar for now, not forever, but just for today, or whatever day they want you to eat something off program...

I'm OP today once again...

Re: OP- Thursday February 14th

I told DH the only candy I wanted was Valentine heart shaped peeps....peeps are my favorite candy and I do let myself have them if I have the points for them. I'd better have some peeps waiting on me at some point this evening b/c I've hinted only a thousand times this week, hehe!!!

OP for me and sparing a few points for peeps later!!

Re: OP- Thursday February 14th

First day I'm going to be OP for the last few days. We had Valentines Day dinner on Saturday and it threw me off, kind of let my guard down. Sunday we celebrated my son's birthday and I gave in to cake and icecream. I threw all of the extra away except a piece for each one of my kids for the next day. Low and behold my daughter didn't want hers so I ended up stuffing it in my face on Monday. Then I went for a bike ride. Tuesday I was OP because I finally made it to the gym for 7 AP. Wednesday I was OP. And I'm pushing really hard to pull myself out of the depressions slump I'm in and get OP today also. A really hard week for me.

Re: OP- Thursday February 14th

Hang in there, Lisa. We have all been there. I am glad you got rid of the cake. I have to do that too even still. Cake is a HUGE trigger food for me. I can't eat just one piece of the bakery stuff, so I just don't have any. Forgive yourself and move on. You didn't commit a mortal sin - no one was murdered, you didn't cheat on your husband, no one was injured, etc. All you did was eat too much. It is okay. Don't fall back into the trap of not caring anymore either. Stand up, chin up, dust yourself off, and try again. You can do this, I know it.


Re: OP- Thursday February 14th

Thanks for the words of encouragement Uki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It put a smile on my face today.

Re: OP- Thursday February 14th

Op today.

Re: OP- Thursday February 14th


I just love my bathing suit!! Been years since i bought one let alone wore one!!