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Thin for life part 2

This is the second post post from the book "Thin for life" by Anne M Fletcher.

The book is about people who lost weight 20 1bs or more and kept it off at least 3 yeras..she calls them masters and interviewed 160 of them

"They break the rules" meaning diet rules to be sucessful.

Myth#1 If you've been overweight as a child its next to impossible to keep it off.
45% of the masters had been heavy since childhood.

Myth#2 If you dieted and failed many times before there's little hope of ever licking your problem.
60% of the masters at lost and gained 5 times and 20% 4 times before they got it right.

Myth#3 To lose weight you have to be a exercise fanatic.
Only 16 % exercise everyday most make it a regular part of their day. 70% exercise three or more times a week. 9% dont exercise at all.

Myth# 5 Its realy hard to lose weight once you pass the age of 40.
Most masters were older.

Myth#6 You cant lose weight on your own .
Masters were split and alot did it on their own.

Myth#7 If you hit a plateau there little hope.
Alot of masters lost over a period of years.

Myth#8 If you regain weight your bound to gain it all back.
About one third settled for a maintance weight that was higher than their original goal weight.

Myth#9 If you dont stay at your original goal weight your a failure.
If you are significantly than before your a success.

Re: Thin for life part 2

I use to believe myth #5, until i joined WW 2 weeks before my 49th birthday.
I do like the line in #3, about making exercise a regular part of their day, sounds like that is my type of day