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My visit to the dr

I went to see a specialist yesterday (Endocrinologist) about my thyroid concerns. I can't remember if I posted about my thyroid last month on not. Anyway, I've had a lot of symptoms of being hypothyroid and even had a biopsy of a nodule that turned out to be rather large, but benign.

Anyway, my PCP had told me my blood work was "normal", but I still wanted another opinion from a specialist. So, yesterday I was someone and turns out that it's not all in my head, that I do indeed have hypothyroid and I can start treatment in 3 weeks. She also ordered up additional testing for diabetes; things that my PCP did not fully test for. So, a diagnosis for that is still pending. So, just wanted to share.

Re: My visit to the dr

Good luck Carrie

Re: My visit to the dr

Hope all goes well with your tests. Once you start medication for the thyroid problem you will start to feel better. My sister and Mom both have thyroid problems and as long as they take their meds they are okay.

It should also help with your weight loss efforts. Thank goodness you got a second opinion.


Re: My visit to the dr

I take Levoxyl I have an under active thyroid
and before it was dx i gained a lot of weight, this was maybe 10 or 11 years ago.
the symptons I had was larthargic (sp) shortness of breath, aches in my legs and the weight..

once I took the meds for about a month, I felt back to my old self and the weight came off..

so Carrie, good luck and great that your having it taken care of by a specialist.
Your going to feel so much better..

Re: My visit to the dr

Thanks! I'm glad I pursued a second opinion as well. I was beginning to think I was losing my mind or something. She went over a lot of things with me. We talked about when the weight started to pack on, how I feel when I eat sugar on a maintenance day, and we talked about working out. She wants me to work out 10 min. in the morning, 10 after work, and 10 before bedtime and that's it. She said this would help with the overall extreme exhaustion and she also said that 30 min. was plenty of exercise for someone with a thyroid condition. She had another "scientific" explanation about it keeping one of my levels regulated, but I can't remember what she said. We also discussed the nodule. She said it was very large and even though it is non cancerous, she may still recommend me getting it removed off the gland. I will undergo another ultrasound in 4 months and she'll decide then.

She stated that my thyroid was probably starting to go out of whack in my early 20's when I noticed the increase in my weight. She said that the pituitary gland would notice that and send a signal down to the thyroid to help get it going again. People can go on being untreated for several years and not noticing anything and then it will slow down again and the pituitary gland will send another signal and so you can go on like this for many years until the thyroid just cannot be stimulated anymore--thus you start experiencing more and more symptoms and notice somethings not right so you then seek treatment. This is apparently where I am. I am cold all the time when other's around me are comfortable for hot. I've also lost a lot of hair and cannot wear my hair or perm it the way I used too. I also have migraines that come on like a switch--fine on minute and have a slamming headache the next. There have been changes to my "cycle" and a few other symptoms I'll spare you on, but I am curious to see if I start a pill then will my hair grow back in ??? My PCP told me yes, but I want to ask the specialist when I go back in March. She is also testing my testosterone (sp) level to see if it's out of whack b/c if so that could explain the hair loss too. Keep ya posted.

Re: My visit to the dr

Carrie, sounds like you found a good doc. You'd better hold on to her because so many aren't interested or downright rude to people with weight problems. Good luck with the nodule. I've had one for almost 20 years and fortunate that is was benigh and not big enough to have anything done for it, but I remember how scary it was when they first found it.