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Op- Friday February 22nd

OP for another day. I am watching the TV to see if the family has a snow day. Doesn't look like it, but it is still early...


Re: Op- Friday February 22nd

I'm in

Re: Op- Friday February 22nd

Op with you guys today. Will be busy today running around this morning them working 12 to 8 or 9 pm. I'ts easier to be op when I'm working.

Re: Op- Friday February 22nd

I have weigh in today for the first time after recommitting last Friday. This is where my trouble usually begins. I weigh in, then think, oh, it's time to eat whatever I want because I have a week to work it off. Now I know this defeats the purpose of all the work I did over the week (tell my brain that). I am going to stay for a meeting which I haven't done for a long, long time. I will do my best to stay OP today.


Re: Op- Friday February 22nd

Here at work and OP!

Hang in there Laura, you can do it!!

Re: Op- Friday February 22nd

I'm in today too

Laura it was interesting to read your post because I am just the opposite I do really good for the first few days after my meetings (I go on wensdays) and then about sunday or monday I start having trouble staying op What has truly helped me is making myself go exercise when I want to eat but really don't need to. It makes me motivated and gets me through that craving. Also this site has done wonders for me. After work I come home and just want to munch till supper. I dont need to but I am used to doing that. So now I grab a healthy snack come to the site and read the posts instead of hanging around the kitchen.

Re: Op- Friday February 22nd

Thanks for the encouraging words ladies. I have been going online and reading a lot of inspiring weight loss stories to help me know that I can do this. I will try my hardest not to let the food demons get to me.


Re: Op- Friday February 22nd

I'm rooting for you guys that are struggling.

I heard that people that WI on Monday have the best success, cause they can't pig out over a weekend, If there was a 9am meeting here on Mon that would be my WI day.. but tuesday has to do..

I weigh in on TUesday, so Sun and Mon I keep my food very lite, that was part of my success in reaching goal. and going below, I still do it, being on maintenance now for 1 year...

GOod luck laura today at the scale... you can do this, hell if I can, anybody can.....

Re: Op- Friday February 22nd

11 months 1 wk 2 days of being OP,and for being OP,i lost 70 pounds in 10 and 1/2 months.

Snow day here, would be nice if my job had snow days :P

Snowing/sleeting here, My DD's will be going to school an extra 3 days at least, at the end of the year. They say they don't care now, somehow i think in June they will not be saying that

My own personal thoughts on pigging out after a weigh in or only being OP M-F.
That to me is taking 2 steps back and one step forward. We train our brains and bodies to think,"Ok, its after weigh in, lets go splurge on FOOD, its the weekend, lets splurge on FOOD'. So come Friday, our bodies are use to that splurge and that is all we think about FOOD,FOOD,FOOD, because it has become a habit since we do it every week. I would rather develop a "clothes/shoes" habit then the food habit"
Weight Watchers has helped me lose weight, it also has helped me with self control and portion control.
There is not anything i cant eat, there are things i CHOOSE not to eat. I realize what my triggers are and stay away from them. As i said before if all Weight Watchers did for me was to lose 70 pounds, then chances are i will regain the weight back as i had done before,because i thought it was ok to resume my old eating habits and it was ok to pig out on Monday,because i had the rest of the week to work it off, if that worked and was true, i would never have re-joined WW three times. I am not saying i dont splurge here and there, but its not a daily thing or a weekly thing, its more like an extra bite or two of something. It is to easy to get back into those old habits.

Re: Op- Friday February 22nd

I'm in!

Re: Op- Friday February 22nd

WOW, you all are so inspiring...I didn't have time to post here yesterday am. about being OP for Friday, the 22nd., but I am posting belatedly, because I am so proud that I stayed OP during a great challenge...a yearly buffet type event where last year it turned for me into just an excuse to return to old destructive eating behavior. This year (last night) I came up with a good plan ahead of time to remain OP and it worked and I am just so grateful. Here's to an OP weekend, maajida