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Off track day yesterday - today is a new day

Last night we went to the marriage retreat that our church was sponsoring. The dinner was fabulous! Of course I had saved a large portion of points to use but went over anyway - can you say double layer chocolate cake.

More importantly that was yesterday and today is a new day so I am getting back on track today. I will flush my system with water and begin again.


Re: Off track day yesterday - today is a new day

Good for you! What a great attitude. WW is about real life, and sometimes chocolate layer cake becomes involved. I can tell you, it would have derailed me too. Cake is my NUMBER ONE trigger food. I absolutely love it, that's why I only have it a couple times a year. I can't stop at one piece.


Re: Off track day yesterday - today is a new day

Thats ok Dana
I went off track last nite with the nibbles.
a few 100 calorie packs of different type of
cookies I have here. and also had an extra lite
I know I can't bring that stuff in the house, the longer I'm on WW and doing Maintenace the less
my control is...control I have none, it sounds like something you put on chinese food.. lol

yes today is a new day............

Re: Off track day yesterday - today is a new day

Sometimes I just allow myself a free day, maybe every other month for special occasions. I don't gain weight but it kills the cravings for things I don't allow myself to indulge in along the way. I just tell myself - this is the only day I get this (whatever "it" happens to be, which is usually something sinful - birthday cake or "seconds" of something starchy). And then when tomorrow comes, I'm back to business as usual.

It works for me b/c I make it do so!!