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Menu - Sunday February 23rd

B: eggbeaters with tomato, canadian bacon, lite toast

L: ??? We may still be out van shopping

D: grilled shrimp, baked sweet potato, veggie

treat: skinny cow with toppings


Re: Menu - Sunday February 23rd

Waffles with boca sausage


Leftovers of some sort ( soup and a burger)
Chocolate tart with cherries

Re: Menu - Sunday February 23rd

B. ww ammereto cheesecake yogurt
1 c. multi grain cheerios
1/2 c.milk

1 slice low calorie bread with a trace of RF PB

L. Hamburger on 1pt bun with ketchup and pickels
a few fries and sf jello with lt wipped cream

and a few other nibbles

D. a few bites of steak
potatoe, onions, and green peppers with a little olive oil on the grill.

Dessert ? will see if I have enough points.

Re: Menu - Sunday February 23rd

B Coffee w/FF half and half and a shot of starbucks sf mocha syrup. Oat bran with a few squirts of spray butter and some splenda.

L Whole grain pita with lettuce, ham, a slice of 2% pepperjack cheese and mustard with some FF chips and yogurt

S Fiber one bar

D lean burger on 1pt bun with lettuce, cheese and mustard, roasted potatoes, california mixed vegetables