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Oat bran hot cereal

Has anyone ever tried this? I just recently tried it and I love it. It is similar to cream of wheat only much creamier. I love it for many reasons. It is higher in fiber and protein than regular oatmeal even higher than the steel cut oats which I also love. It cooks up in less than 2 minutes in the microwave. A serving of this dry is 1/2 cup added to 1 1/4 cups of water. It ends up making about 1 1/2 cups of hot cereal and it is very filling and has great staying power. I need something that will fill me up for low points in the morning and will stay with me because I work out in the mornings at the gym and this stuff does it! If you haven't tried it yet may I suggest you do! YUM! Oh and best of all it's only 2 pts!! I have even eaten this for a snack if I am really hungry!

Re: Oat bran hot cereal

Thanks Tammy, I love steel cut oats (have them every morning). Will have to try the oat bran. Keep thinking that I should change up my breakfasts.

Re: Oat bran hot cereal


What brand is it and where did you find it? I love hot cereal... cream of wheat is a favorite of mine, but it doesn't hold me more than about 2 hours... Bah humbug!


Re: Oat bran hot cereal


The brand is Quaker Oats and I found it at my commissary. I looked for it at SWM and couldn't find it. I am going to try Kroger probably today because I am running low on it. If you find it, let me know where so I can keep that store in mind, that's if that store is around here!
