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OP Sun 2/24

I have to admit I'm havintg some problems at nite
with the noshing.. its aomething new, that after
a healthy dinner, I then turn to sweets.
I know I shop and bring it in, and that I need to take
a look at..

I did buy the Whitman 1 pt candy made for WW 1 pt per pc, but I can't stop till I have at least 4...

Its the sugar that I need to omit completely out of my daily food intake...

I seem to have lose my interest in WW, but I know
I can't go back to the old way, its 17 full months I'm on WW, 1 year of maintaining my under goal weight,
and the work I put into it, can get blown in a month..

I'm so awware of it all, but I have a good case of
the F its going on...

Today I'll sit and rethink my thinking... and try my best to put in a perfect food day...

I start out well until the evening.. guess I should go to bed and away from the kitchen...

so dats where I am right now on my program...

Re: OP Sun 2/24

I'm OP today. Tobe, I know how you're feeling. My son and fiance came home this weekend from college and he wanted me to bake him some no bake cookies, his favorites. I made a double batch so they can take some back to school with them. I had stayed OP all day, and then it happened, I ate a cookie, plus a piece of another one. Luckily I stopped at that, normally I would have said I messed up and might as well eat whatever I want now, I wanted a couple more cookies but forced myself not to eat anymore. I counted the cookie so I did stay OP but it was hard. Sometimes, I just want to say forget this it's not worth the work, I'd rather eat whatever I want. Hang in there it might be because you missed your meeting this week.


Re: OP Sun 2/24

I just got off the phone with a good friend of mine whose also doing WW..

Thats exactly it, I missed a WI.. It will never
happen again, and I should have realized it that I would miss that meeting when I said yes to another friend to take her to the airport.

Again people pleasing which I usually don't do, if I have something I need to do for myself, I can very
nicely say NO... this time I goofed up...
and I paid the price by going off program not one nite but a few nites in a row..

today's a new day and it will back OP 100% although I'm heading out with still another friend for lunch at Pannera, but those points are already counted in for the day.
Usual stop at starbucks for a lite frappacino, but it will a 2 pt one instead of 5... grande vs venti..

thanks Laura for your concern..

Re: OP Sun 2/24

I'm OP today. Hang in there Tobe! We all go through days like this. It's amazing how hard it is to change those old "urges" where the sweets are concerned.

Re: OP Sun 2/24

OP today me too and I so identify with what you are experiencing, Tobe. Hang in there...what you have accomplished is amazing...and if I'd had Laura's strength in saying no to more cookies and more of other stuff, months ago, I wouldn't be battling so hard right now to get back into goal wt. range. You all are an inspiration.....you all do a great job trying to balance eating for pleasure with eating to stay OP..balance...I think that's the name of the game to staying OP..that and continuing to be consistent about accessing the support for our efforts that we all need, whether it's from not missing a meeting or checking here or being able to talk to other people who understand the journey....here's to being OP, one day at a time...Maajida

Re: OP Sun 2/24

Wow, Tobe! Your post just hit me upside the head like a good ol' 2x4! I have been having the same problems and I was doing so good for a couple of weeks. Reading your post about missing a meeting really hit home. Due to inclement weather and my kids being home or delayed from school, I have missed the last two weeks of meetings. My meeting is a 30 min drive for me and I hate to take my kids out that far on icy snow covered roads. Due to this however, I have gained.
It is something how those weekly meetings really do help us to stay on track even if they don't necessarily pertain to what we are going through right then and there.
Well, the last couple of days have been hard for me but today I have my menu planned and I am OP, at least right now anyway! I'll post later and let you know how I did. Maybe you could do the same. It will give us something to aim for. Getting on here to post a good day rather than going to the snacks and such when our points are gone.
Have a great OP day everyone!

Re: OP Sun 2/24

I in another day. Tobe I know just what you are going through I am the same way with sweets. I crave something sweet right after I eat every time, usually chocolate. I also can't have any baked goods or low point chocolate in the house because I will eat them all!!! sometimes if I am feeling strong I will eat a piece of baskins robins SF ice cream candy or a piece of cinnamon or mint gum and it will take away the urge for sweets.

Re: OP Sun 2/24

Maybe you should go thru your pantry and fridge and just throw away the things that are calling to you late in the day...if the temptation isnt there you can't very well eat it - better to waste some money on the things you bought than to have it go to your waist.

I go thru the same thing and force myself to put back on the grocery shelf the things that I know I should not bring into my house cause I will over do it with them - even if a portion is point friendly.

Plan you day to include some extra points to use later on - some treats that will get you through the night - one thing that works for me is your recommendation of freezing WW yogurt - I use that as a nice late night treat.

Hang in there! It gets really hard sometimes but you can keep with it - look at all you have already accomplished.


Re: OP Sun 2/24

Op today. Hang in there Tobe. It will work itself out. I think this happens to all of us. You will be back on track in no time.


Re: OP Sun 2/24

Checking back .

B yogart

l pannera bread, ham and chesse sand on
Stone Mill Rye bread
dill pickle

starbucks grande lite mocha frappacino

d large salad with lite dressing
grilled ham and chesse on lite bread

snack WW yogart

and thats it for the day!!! done deal and on program

no snacks of any sort,,did't touch not one, 100 cal pack of anything.

Re: OP Sun 2/24

Tobe, I know exactly how you feel. I think it has been about 6 years for me. At first I was 10 below goal...then hubby retired and we started eating out more for something to do. At first it was 1#, then 2#...I woke up one day and I was almost up to my goal. Then I was 3 # over goal and I thought to myself..I have got to get a handle on this..I'm a sweet person,too...love those sweets. I don't bring much into the house and If I do for hubby I have him hide it so I don't know where it is. The worst temptation I have is I work with food at work. When you demonstrate food you have so many temptations. I'm trying my best to get back on track this week. I plan on going back to class this week. A lady I work with wants to go back to so we hope to go back together. I guess if she doesn't go..I will have to go without her. I also got a Pilate (sp?) machine and I have doing it almost every night. I just need to get more fexible...and maybe I'll lose a couple inches along the way. When you say you are tired of the w.w. way...I totally understand, Tobe....

Re: OP Sun 2/24

Op today.
Tobie dont beat yourself up you are still under goal and you should be able to have a nite off. I read the other day a plan where someone takes a ww day off every two weeks and gives themselves permission to eat things they dont normally eat. For me I think once I can maintain and lose the weight I gain easily I'm going to do it every month. I think I wouldent go crazy but its nice have the choice.
I dont count for probably 4 mths and I try to eat alot for filling meals that are lower point healthy food. I try to relax about my number on the scales and not be too consumed and stressed by it. I focus on how I feel more.
The book Thin for life is a amazing read and 100 weight loss tips that realy work and the Beck diet solution.
I think the Beck diet solution addresses how you feel right now and will help.
The books for me help as much as a meeting.

Re: OP Sun 2/24

Well, it's time for bed and I stayed OP! I'm hungry, but I stayed OP!
good job tobe!
I pretty much stuck to my plan with the exception of dinner. Instead of burgers that I had planned I had a taco salad made with lean and light everything. Very tasty!

Re: OP Sun 2/24

I did put that successful day in yesterday, No nibbles.

I cant allow myself to go nuts not even for one day, my one day can so easilly go into two and then its a roll... I know my habits too well...

its either on op or off, no inbetween for this food addict...