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OP - Monday February 25th

OP as usual. Tobe, I am thinking of you today and hoping that your good day yesterday encourages you for today. We are cheering you on!

Going to have our taxes done this morning, so I have already done 40 minutes on the trainer.

Have a good one,

Re: OP - Monday February 25th

Yesterday was a successful day, and I'll roll it into today.

I was reading that one of the gals here allows herself to go off program for a day every few weeks. thats great, but I can't do that, its either on program or off.. one day with a total day off, can easilly for me roll into two and then the merry go round starts all over again...
The journel gets thrown in the garbage, the point finder gets tossed in a drawer. and thats the end of

I've done it so many times before, and the weight is suddenly back on...

I can't gain, as I was saying to a friend, all the large clothes were given away, I didn't save a thing
after reaching goal this time...

So today my plan is to put in a perfect day.

Last nite when I wanted that something, I reached for a WW yogart that I had frozen and that did the trick.

Thanks for all the good wishes, it really helped me get focused again...

Re: OP - Monday February 25th

I'm home today and OP!!

Re: OP - Monday February 25th

OP today too, and following with interest your discussion about going off program for a day...Tobe, I too could lose valuable OP momentum by doing that...too dangerous at this point, but I do try to balance eating for health / wt loss with eating for pleasure in my OP food selections, because if I don't, my efforts backfire if I get too depriving. OP today too, even though the scale at this morning's weigh-in did not go down commensurate with my OP behavior....seem to be stuck at a plateau, but am not giving up. Maajida

Re: OP - Monday February 25th

Op today.
I'm up a 1b today and I promised myself the last 2 weeks I will lose a 1b ..now thats 2 1bs..so today I'm journaling and in a losing mode.
Taking a ww day off is only a thought for me as I know myself too and prefer not to try to lose the 3 to 5 1bs I can gain in a day . I did that last year when I had a suprise birthday party at Maggianos..I was ok till the massive dessert tray came along...lol.
it was a great time and I got the weight off after a few good days.
For me I would like to takes a few seperate days off and not beat myself up and enjoy it and be right back afterwards and look at it as a planned thing not messing up.
We are going on a cruise in April fora week and the food part is a bigger thought than anything else hoping I can control myself.
This is my first year on maintance and its a learning thing as much as learning to lose. I think its harder than losing.

Re: OP - Monday February 25th

Im op
Stayed home from work to make sure the kids get this flu bug out of their system before sending them to daycare and school.

I'm looking forward to getting in alot of exercise and some quality op thinking today so it will help me make it to my meeting on Wens. I'm not too the point that if someone brought doughnuts to work for their birthday I could turn them down. I want to be there, I want that innerstrength I used to have a couple years ago. I know I will achive it. It just takes time, and lots of positive thinking.

Anyway, Looking for some new chicken recipies today so if any of ya got some great ones you want to share let me know!!

Have a great day every everyone

Re: OP - Monday February 25th

OP today. The no bake cookies have left with my son and fiance just a few minutes ago. Have a great day everyone.


Re: OP - Monday February 25th

I feel once we commit to WW thats it, I just know for me, I can't take a day off and do what I want to do, when I want to do it.. Its so hard getting back into the swing of it all the next day.. I've proven it over and over again in the last 30 years being a WW'er.

I've also been on 4 cruises, I stayed away from the midnite buffet, and was wise in the choices I made at other meals, I also didn't go near the ice cream machines that are on every deck in every corner...

I also walked every morning on the upper deck, and came home went back to WW and actually lost 2 lbs.
thats unheard of especially on a cruise but I had the midset not to blow it... (again)

you can have a great week on board a floating hotel and actually stay on program. they'll cater to your every whim, and cook the way you want your food prepared.

don't obsess over the food, go with the plans of staying OP and having a good time.

Re: OP - Monday February 25th

OP for me! Already been to the gym! Thinking of going to get my hair cut!