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going to the bar

On my way out to the bar soon to meet my husband for a drink. Any ideas on a low pt. drinks?

Re: going to the bar

sorry I don't drink

1 is too many and a 1000 isn't enough for me..

stick to a diet coke, no headache in the morning LOL...

Re: going to the bar

I don't drink either, so I don't have an answer for you.


Re: going to the bar

I know this is a late response but I have found that having a glass of Bloodly Mary mix (basically spicy tomato juice) is a great drink. When I had it the bartender thinned it out a little with water since I wasn't having any liquor in it. I'm not a fan of really spicy food but this wasn't too bad spice wise.


Re: going to the bar

i'll have to try that sometime pat. I endend up having a couple ameretto sours with diet 7up instead of regular so it would cut back on the pts.

I don't go to bars very often, but most of the guys at my husbands work and a few of the wives went to the bar after work. Just to kinda sit around and unwind after the stressful week at their company.
my husband lost a co worker on monday in a SUV/semi accident. He workes at a welding shop in our hometown and there is only about 35 people that work there and they were all pretty close. So they all took it quite hard.

But I woke up just fine this morning. I not a big drinker. My husband on the other hand, he drank quite a bit. But he still got up at 5 am and went and picked up all the other guys that wanted to go in on Sat morning and work. Most of them had to leave there vehicals at the bar becuase they couldn't drive home.