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What a day!!!

What a day this has been! Little Guy was home sick - dr.appt scheduled for 11:20a. They call at 9a and tell me the doctor's schedule changed and can I come in immediately. I dropped everything and took him in. It turned out he has strep throat! I was floored. He NEVER complained of throat pain, only a headache and belly ache. We get the medicine and the snow starts. It took FOREVER to get home. They are calling for 1 to 2 feet of snow over the weekend. DH was sent home early due to the weather and should be home within the hour. No news from the kids' schools, so I guess they are on schedule. This could be an interesting weekend to say the least!

how's the weather where you are???


Re: What a day!!!

Uki, where do you live to be getting that kind of snow this time of year? I'm here in Michigan and it's beautiful sunshine right now, but supposed to get snow tonight and more blowing and drifting snow tomorrow. I'm so ready for spring. I'm close to Lake Michigan so we get a lot of lake affect snow.


Re: What a day!!!

We are in NE Ohio kind of near Akron. We are not in what they consider the "snow belt," but we border it. This has been an unreal winter. We just recovered from a horrific ice storm that took out our power for 16 hours. That was a nightmare because we have a well - no electricity means no water, no toilets, no heat, no NOTHING! LOL Hear's hoping this storm doesn't knock out the power again.

I am so thankful I got Little Guy to the doctor today already and we got his medicine and all. i got groceries yesterday too, so we can ride this out.


Re: What a day!!!

wow and more wow snow!!!!!!

its beautiful here in NJ a little damp feeling but all the flowers are popping the ground..

Uki I'm heading to Akron in June,I go every year and I remember last June when we pulled into Akron it was pouring almost like a tornado type storm.
we called it a monsoon... hopefully this june it will be nice when we get there..

I'll be there the 6th 7th and 8th its about a
7hr trip from the Jersey shore..

Re: What a day!!!

I'm in Dayton, Ohio..SW ohio...what a day..suppose to get up to 12 inches of snow between today and tomorrow noon..The wind is really blowing, too..I sure will be glad to have Spring arrive...

Re: What a day!!!

Sorry to hear about your little guy, thank goodness you got him in. I live in Northwest Indiana and we are supposed to get flurries is all and I was complaining that I was tired of the snow. It is pretty windy here today and cold. Monday supposed to be in the 50 YEAH!!! I just got back from Las Vegas and it was in the high 70's, so nice!! Hard to come back to this. Hope your son is feeling better soon and you survive another storm. As long as you and your family are together that's what is important! Take care!

Re: What a day!!!

Hugs to your son - hope he is feeling better soon so he can go out and play in all that snow!


Re: What a day!!!

Thanks Ladies! Little Guy is hanging in there. I have him on advil round the clock and he has taken one dose of the antibiotic. Here's hoping the rest of us don't get strep too. Blech!

The snow is coming down. The road is covered and we aren't going anywhere. LOL

Tobe, I remember those monsoon type storms from last summer. We cringe over them, because our basement is far from dry and those heavy rains really cause trouble for us. Sigh.

Everyone stay warm and dry and OP!


Re: What a day!!!

Hey Susie W. where in NW Indiana do you live? I'm here in Niles, Mi.


Re: What a day!!!

I am in southeast ohio and we have been getting hit today too. I work for the school system and we were the only system that did not release early today. It was really hard to imagine since we have had days off that were not near as bad as today. Guess they figured that they got us there and they will keep us in hopes that the roads will clear up soon

I have a daughter that lives in Akron, Uki, and another one that lives in Holmesville. She had to come to Zanesville today to bring her son to the doctor and it took her 3 hours to get back home. Nurse Practioner couldn't find anything that she could put her finger on that was wrong with him but she put him on a ZPack anyway.

They are saying Blizzard conditions for tonight. Boy, Tobe, it sounds so nice in Jersey right now. So does Las Vegas.

Re: What a day!!!

Western NY (right on Lake Ontario) is getting the beginnings of the storm that hit Ohio. It is supposed to last until Sunday AM with about 12 inches of snow and maybe sleet. Glad I have lots of projects to do here at the house.
Patty- I can imagine what you are going through. When I went to school in Dayton everything was closed for a couple inches of snow. How different it is here.


Re: What a day!!!

I'm live in Hawarden Iowa which is in the northwest corner. The Big sioux River seperates South Dakota and Iowa and we live a mile from the river.

We had some really cold weather here today but no snow. A little last night and maybe a little sunday but nothing like the 1 to two feet you all talk about. They would shut down the highways if that happened. The plows would never keep up. We usually get a storm like that every 8 years or so and we just had one last year.

Glad your son is on his way to recovery. I had two sick kids last week with the flu and while the time off was nice, I'm glad there better.

Everyone stay warm!!!

Re: What a day!!!

Pat..I'm not sure when you went to school here in Dayton but most of the children are transported from one side of the city to the other so i don't think they want them on the road anymore than they have to. I do know they have a couple days to make up at the end of the year due to the snow so far..I have lived in this area all my life...61 years....

Re: What a day!!!

Sorry didn't get back to you sooner! What a weekend we had! I live in Lowell, Indiana. It is about 45 minutes south of Lake Michigan. Just a little town but we like it!!

As for my weekend...I'm a new Aunt! My oldest brother adopted a little boy who was born Saturday!!!I'm so happy for them and my other brother, his son (turns 17 today)was in an accident earlier Sunday morning. He had surgery yesterday and will be having another one this evening to put a rod in his leg..His is doing okay, just wants to get it over with and come home. Just glad he is okay, could have been a lot worse!

Re: What a day!!!

I've heard of Lowell,is that anywhere near Notre Dame? We live close to the state line of Indiana, which is about 10 miles to Notre Dame.


Re: What a day!!!

I'm in Boise, Idaho and it's been in the 50's here. We actually got brave and took the boat out on Saturday. It was refreshing. I'm hoping all the snow will melt for you guys and quit coming!!!

Re: What a day!!!

Notre Dame is about 1 1/2 hours east of our house. I'm right on the Illinois/Indiana line. Chicago is about 50 minutes from our house. Lowell is near Merrillville, Gary in that are. A little town of about 6,000 people.
