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OP Mon 3/17

Out of bed at 4am today's a work day, more exercise for two hrs...

I'm OP today

Re: OP Mon 3/17

Op foe me as well. I had to laugh yesterday. We were ordering fried chicken for th youth group last night and I was making tater tots too. I wasn't really worried about staying OP, but it wasn't the best choice, you know? Oh, and I had made cake for dessert, and I was a little worried about that because that has been a trigger food for me in months past. So... the food arrives and I begin serving. Well, those preteen boys were like locusts! LOL By the time they ate, there was nothing left. I managed to snag one small chicken breast, which I ate without skin and breading. The tater tots were gone, as was the cake. LOL So much for temptatin! Woo Hoo!

So here's to another good day for all of us.


Re: OP Mon 3/17


Re: OP Mon 3/17

Here at home today and OP.

Uki - let me tell you...boys can eat! I don't know where they put it but man can they CONSUME!

Re: OP Mon 3/17

OP today on my birthday, I am 48 years old today. I can't believe I'm that old. I don't feel like I'm 48, it still feels like I just graduated high school. Anyways, I will be OP today.


Re: OP Mon 3/17

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! happy birthday to Laura! Happy birthday to you!

May this be a wonderful day and a wonderful year for you.


Re: OP Mon 3/17

Happy Birthday, Laura!! Have a great day!!

Re: OP Mon 3/17

Happy birthday Laurie. Last August on my birthday I had a big suprise party at Maggianoes with 30 guests. I wasent op and ate it all and the next day I was op and that week I lost. It made me realise 1 day of fun is ok as long as most of the time you eat the right thing.
I'm op today.

Re: OP Mon 3/17

Happy Birthday Laura

I don't look at occassions any longer as a food orientated day... no reason to go crazy and off
If one person does go off, and gets away with it that week at the scale, usually the following week it'll catch up..
Why shock our bodies with junk when its used to having good nutritious foods???

I've had many celebrations in the last year and a half, and had no reason to go off my program..

Believe me I'm no angel, but thin tastes better than any old food, any old day of the week..

Again Happy Birthday and a Healthy thin one!!!

Re: OP Mon 3/17

Re: OP Mon 3/17

Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. I went out to dinner Saturday night,(stayed OP with bonus pts.) but then had pizza last night so I need to stay OP today. I can tell I'm retaining water from that pizza so I will not get on the scale today because I know I'll have a gain. I'll just drink lots of water to flush me out. I have had "pig out" days and I can gain 3-4 lbs. overnight. I'm trying to break that bad habit. If I knew when to stop, it wouldn't be bad, but I don't I gain the 3-4 lbs. and then spend the rest of the week trying to lose that plus get more off so I'll have a loss and not a gain at weigh in. It can be a vicious cycle. I guess that's why I go to WW.


Re: OP Mon 3/17

Happy Birthday Laura. Oh to be 48 again. But I agree that It's great not to feel your age (I'll be 60 in Nov. How can that be?)


Re: OP Mon 3/17

OP today