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OP- Thursday April 10th

Good morning everyone and happy almost Friday! Another OP day for me over here. Shopping with my mom this morning and lunch out, then off to get Little Guy's glasses fixed and to buy DD's birthday presents. She will be 9 on the 16th. Where does the time go????


Re: OP- Thursday April 10th


Re: OP- Thursday April 10th

good morning...OP Me Too!!!!!!!!!!!!! have a great day, all....Maajida

Re: OP- Thursday April 10th

OP today

I'm going to the gym and then attempt to grab some
rays on the beach, real UV not fake and bake today.

Re: OP- Thursday April 10th

trying to be OP today. I'm still sick with this awful cold. Sure don't feel like cooking. Hope this goes away soon.

Re: OP- Thursday April 10th

Well...I'm going to try and stay OP as much as possible these next few days. I will be leaving for Chicago for a business trip. The company I'm going to is taking me out for every meal. Hopefully I can make wise decisions. I'm pretty stressed bc I don't want to go..for to many reasons to list. I got so stressed last night I ate small handfuls of everything in the cabinet. And...I decided I ought to go off my Metformin until Sunday b/c it upsets my stomach randomly. Don't want to be on the Megabus and have an "issue" w/o a potty...if you all catch my drift. I think I'll be OK w/o it, don't you?

Re: OP- Thursday April 10th

I'm OP today. Carrie I hope your trip goes well and that you feel ok. Pat, hope you get better real soon, and Tobe what is the temp where you're at??? Laying on the beach sounds so nice right now. It's rainy here today in Michigan.


Re: OP- Thursday April 10th

Carrie if I was you I wouldn't be my own doctor, call your MD and ask the question... With a positive mind set you can eat out 3 times a day, journel it all and make wise choices.... shouldn't be a problem, its a way of life now, thats what we all want, right???
Take some WW material with you, like your week 1 book where you can look up foods for your points, and in the back of the book is restrauants where its safe to eat.

Pat got my cold huh???? hope your better soon..

Laura its 72 degrees here today and full sun but its too windy off the ocean, so instead I hit the gym and got a good workout..
next is to take the dog to park and walk her butt along with mine...

Re: OP- Thursday April 10th

I am OP, r u???