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OP Wed 4/16

Hi Ho off to work i go....

I'll be glad when this exercise shift is over
amother week and a half, and hopefully I'll get something later..

but anyway I'll be OP today.

Re: OP Wed 4/16

Op for me today too! Today is DD's 9th birthday! we actually celebrated last night as a family. I fixed a nice dinner and we gave her her presents. She and I baked cupcakes for her to take to school today - she picked deep chocolate fudge cake with pink frosting and chocolate sprinkles. They are so pretty. She will have her party on friday and got to invite 3 friends over, one of which will spend the night. Parties are small over here. LOL

Have a good one,

Re: OP Wed 4/16

chocolate cupcakes - yum - they sound so pretty - I only have boys so mine would have been with gummy worms coming out the top - uck! Mine are not able to bring homemade goodies anymore for birthdays - has to be store bought with the ingredients listed - I guess for food allergies. My little one turns 11 next month so we will probably do grocery store cookies or cupcakes - probably my last time at doing the birthday at school thing since he will be moving on to middle school - enjoy it while you can ladies!

I'm in for another 24 even if I am dreaming of chocolate cake now LOL


BTW has anyone ever tried to make the WW recipe of chocolate cake with a can of diet soda - it is supposed to be good - I got a free box of devil's food cake sitting in my pantry forever - keep meaning to try it out. I might post seperately about that to see if anyone has any more info.

Re: OP Wed 4/16

OP today all the way...still dealing with some binge cravings but hanging on to the OP way. Marilyn, that soda cake sounded interesting...let us know how it turns out. All those cupcakes sound yummy too, even the ones with gummy worms coming out of them. Take care everyone, have a good OP day. Maajida

Re: OP Wed 4/16

OP for me today. Tomorrow is WI and since I've been sick all week who knows what the scale will say. I still don't think I'll go to the gym today, instead will take a walk and then clean house.


Re: OP Wed 4/16

I'm already at work and OP.

Re: OP Wed 4/16

I'm OP today also.


Re: OP Wed 4/16

I made the cake with the diet soda and added fat free cool whip as the frosting. It was so moist and delicious!!

Re: OP Wed 4/16

Another soda receipe is for BBQ chicken

1 can diet coke
1 cup ketchup

put cutlets in the mixture, stir around the pan and let the 2 ingredients thicken up... its really good
especially for easy summer time cooking...

Re: OP Wed 4/16

I'm back OP today after not tracking yesterday. I had a sad frustrated day with myself. Man these emotional ups and downs associated with these last 5 lbs are killing me.

Re: OP Wed 4/16

Lisa, Don't beat yourself up over yesterday. You are back on track today and that is what matters.


Re: OP Wed 4/16

Thanks for the hugs Uki!

Re: OP Wed 4/16

I'm here but havent been very op today. Ended up going to the circus with my youngest daughter and didn't make the wisest choices. But I will still go weigh in and go to the meeting. Get all that motivation for the week to come.

Re: OP Wed 4/16

OP and a wacky day

Ate a light breakfast, went to weigh in, was up( gasp)
Went to tan, got a new haircut the other day that i just love so i wanted her to dye my hair also.
She if off till next week.
After tanning i decide it would be a good idea to break my glasses and drive with one eye. Took my glasses back to get the lenses popped in, tried to buy a pair of sunglasses( the clips ones) every size but mine. Left there and went looking at clothes. Fashion Bug has the fugliest clothes i ever seen, or maybe its just me. Went to look at shoes, every pair of shoes i loved, looked like the ones i had on my feet!!
Went grocery shopping. and it was my day off work. I NEVER go into the store on my dsy off( for those of You that dont know, i work in a grocery store) but we needed milk,bread and butter. Lord forbid the kids not find another else to eat. its not like i never cook.
So after $102.00 for bread,milk and butter, and $25.00 worth of gas ( gas here is $3.39 a gallon) where i work they give You .10 cents off a gallon for every $50. worth of groceries You buy) But the price of food rising, You really dont save a thing.

Came home and was starving. I never let myself get like that........ate the blackberries, which were good, maybe to good...............about an hour later was in need of Pepto Bismol

So that was my day...........
Debating if i should run......i think i may,i think i might...
or just do it tomorrow.......dunno.
Like anything else in life, its a choice and i love the choice of being OP.

End of story!

Re: OP Wed 4/16

Op with you guys.

Re: OP Wed 4/16

wow Kim after reading your day I'm ready for a nap.


mine wasn't too bad.. I nibbled here and there, not to great with food today..

tomorrow is another day...