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Food Wed 4/16

too early to put my thinking cap on..

Re: Food Wed 4/16

B: LF Nutrigrain waffles and PB2

L: eggplant cutlets, cottage cheese, marinara sauce over lite wheat bread

D: chicken marsala stromboli and eggplant roulettes

treat: 100 calorie ice cream cup and toppings


Re: Food Wed 4/16

Uki-you are really hooked on those eggplant cutlets - I made the whole box (for the family) at one time - have to go buy some more. I want to try your idea for lunch :)

Have WI this morning, so I will probably bring my usual yogurt/berries to eat after I weigh in.

I ordered bagels from Kim's lite bagels and was hoping they would come today. I have read really good things about them on the WW board and they are only 1 pt. I guess you are able to buy them in store in the northeast - but I had to order online. So if they come today and early enough I will have one for lunch with something-not sure yet.

perhaps trying a new recipe for veggie chili - has pumpkin in it to make it thick and bulger wheat instead of meat - looks good - might give it a try tonight since Mr. picky (DH) is coming home late from a business trip so it will just be me and my youngest son who is vegetarian.

on a hunt today for the WW latte bars - everyone ate them on me :( Checked the local grocery yesterday with no luck - have to go back to the far SWM cause that's where I found them originally. They are so worth the trip and only 1 pt


Re: Food Wed 4/16

LOL, Marilyn - yup I LOVE those eggplant cutlets. :) They are so tasty and low in points and I relly feel like I am eating this gourmet Italian meal. I love eggplant and would make it without the breading, but in all hoensty, I missed the breading and I get to have it this way!

Let us know how you like the bagels. I love bagels and can't find the 1 point ones in Ohio and didn't want to order them without knowing if they were good.

Have you been riding your bike???


Re: Food Wed 4/16

Screwy day

1/2 water.......weigh in

late late late late lunch
English Muffin with tomato and laughing cow cheese
crackers and hummus

Corn on the cob
Baked Beans

Watermelon & Honey Dew

Re: Food Wed 4/16

I thought Thomas's Mini Bagels were 1 point. Maybe not, i think that is why i buy English Muffins that are 1 point because i cant find one point bagels