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Who has worn their HRM all day to see how many calories you expend?

Anyone? Wondering if you have worn the Heart Rate Monitor all day to see if it can track how many calories you expend. I am moving so slow that I wonder if I track the calories expended and what I put in my mouth that I can make sure I always have a deficit! That's what the body bug does for you but it's like $500!!! That's what they wear on the biggest loser. (by the way did you see the finale!!!!)


Re: Who has worn their HRM all day to see how many calories you expend?

I just got mine and thought about doing that, but then asked on the board and they all said they just use theirs while exercising, so I figured that is what I will do. I really want to see if I have been calculating my AP's correctly. I will find out tomorrow... I can't wait!!


Re: Who has worn their HRM all day to see how many calories you expend?

I got an F6 about 4-5 months ago (it is coded so it doesn't interfere with other HRM's - especially useful at spin class)

I have never worn mine all day - I am going to try that tomorrow. I'm going to put a seperate post about it, so maybe we can all try to do that and then compare results . I would like to know how much I burn on a typical day - then I can figure out the amount of calories I really need to maintain.


Re: Who has worn their HRM all day to see how many calories you expend?


Week 3 in WW we;re given another point finder for exercise..
it goes according to your weight
the intensity of the workout
and the length of time

that gives you the accurate AP's...

My weight is 144 i workout for 1 hr at the gym
and my intensity is high, therefore I earn 4 AP's each time..

I don't use them tho, thats an option we have...