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HRM challenge kind of

In response to Lisa's thread, I thought it would be interesting to actually wear my HRM all day and see how many calories I actually burn in a day. So I am planning on putting mine on in the morning tomorrow (after my shower) and keeping it on until bedtime.

Who is with me?
We can compare results when we are done.


Re: HRM challenge kind of

Thanks!!!!! It will be interesting to see what happens. I'll keep a watchful eye.

Re: HRM challenge kind of

I will try to remember to do it.

Re: HRM challenge kind of

I will do it, but I think I better wait a few days to get used to how it works first. LOL


Re: HRM challenge kind of

Sounds like fun. I'll try to remember to put it on tomorrow. Will only take it off when I get weighed. Don't need the added bulk on the scale (like that would make a big difference-LOL) Hope to get back to the gym tomorrow. Since I've been sick I haven't had lots of energy. Today I walked for 25 minutes, about 1.5 miles, so I should be able to at least do my water aerobic class tomorrow. I'll post after supper with my number

Re: HRM challenge kind of

I'm calling it a night. Have had my HRM on since 8:30 AM. Only official exercise was 30 min. on treadmill. Then went shopping. Total calories for the day are 2075. I usually would have had 400-600 more calories worth of exercise.
How did you do Marilyn?


Re: HRM challenge kind of

Job is pretty sendintary right now. Doing lots of paper work to end the school year and begin next year. Total of burned calories was 2996. That was with 2 workout sessions but that was my normal routine for Thursday. I should have walked or climbed the stairs a few times before going to bed and taking off the HRM.

Re: HRM challenge kind of

I thought my total was pretty high UNTIL I read your posts I burned 1800 calories which included a really tough spin class where I burned about 400 calories - kept the darn thing on since 6:30 am until bedtime.

My HR runs super low - usually in the low 60's - so Im guessing that this contributes to my low number. Oh well - at least I know what Im dealing with.

Im envious of you guys!


Re: HRM challenge kind of

Marilyn- I just checked my owner's manual to see if setting the ownzone lower would make a difference in # of calories recorded. I couldn't find any answers. I just wonder if you use the preset zone that they have if the HRM would figure that you aren't burning enough calories because your pulse rate is too low. I know this is rambling but just a thought. I went in and adjusted my numbers by another formula that I found. (not the 220 - your age).


Re: HRM challenge kind of

My heart rate is pretty low too. Just for comparison, I burned 441 calories on a 50 minute bike ride with an average heart rate of 145. Does that help, Marilyn?
