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Switching to Core

Decided yesterday to shake things up and change to Core. One day down. Did it without any planning so don't have lots of food on hand. Right now I'm hungry so am eating 94% FF popcorn. I do like the idea of not measuring. After a year on Flex I have a pretty good eye for portion size. Any suggestions from anyone on Core would be appreciated. I know I'll switch back to Flex in a few weeks when we go away for a week. Seems like it would be too hard to do when eating out or not having control over what food is served.


Re: Switching to Core

no suggestions here Patty, i tried it to shake things up a while ago and it just didn't work out for me...

maybe you'll have better luck...

Re: Switching to Core

I never did core so I cant help. My future goal is to do it.

Re: Switching to Core

I went on core a few times last time I was in ww. one thing I did was have that potatoe every day. someitmes with a egg for breakfast even. It made me feel like I wasnt having to give up carbs all together.

Breakfast was my biggest challange when I was on it. I need to have easy breakfast because I need to have all the kids at day care by 615 and then to work by 7. I had a hard time finding enough variety to keep me from being boerd.

Re: Switching to Core

Breakfast is no problem for me. I have oatmeal almost every morning and don't seem to get tired of it. My challenge will be lunch. Most days I have lunch in my car when I leave the gym. I'm used to a PB sandwich (which I had today and counted the points). I'm going to have to make some salads, maybe with grains, and add tuna or leftover meat to it. I'll keep at it.
