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Menu - Monday April 21st

B: Nutrigrain waffles and PB2

L: Eggplant cutlet topped with LF cottage cheese, marinara sauce, over lite wheat bread

D: Pork chops, baked spud, veggies

Treat: WW ice cream cup and toppings


Re: Menu - Monday April 21st

Kim's light wheat bagel (1 pt)
WW cream cheese (1 pt)

Big salad (0 pt)
little dressing ;( (1 pt)
4 oz boars head bbq chicken breast (2 pt)

3 pm afternoon coffee

grilled chicken breast (4 pt)
brown rice (3 pt)
grilled artichoke (0 pt)
1 tsp. olive oil (1 pt)

WW latte bar (1 pt)
pineapple (1 pt)


Re: Menu - Monday April 21st

how is that bagel?? is it decent???

Re: Menu - Monday April 21st

I was going to ask about the bagel too!

Do tell us, Marilyn!


Re: Menu - Monday April 21st


That is only 15 points!! Please tell me you are having something else too!


Re: Menu - Monday April 21st

The bagel is okay - fantastic for only 1 pt - but I could probably just have a 1 pt english muffin (for a lot cheaper) and call it a day.

It is by no means a NYC bagel. I was going thru a carb craving when I ordered them and might not reorder until I have that strong urge again. I think I do much better when I eat my ff yogurt and fruit for breakfast.

Uki- I am trying to keep today a relatively low point day - since I really overdid it on the weekend. This is not a typical day for me - usually up around 22 points or so. I was up 2 pounds on the scale this morning and I kinda freaked.

I'll see how the day goes - I probably will need to add some protein for a snack.


Re: Menu - Monday April 21st

Don't cut back on your foods, use your points, but get more water in,, if you drink 8 glasses, drink 10.

not a smart move according to my WW leader.. I've done that and had a gain. go figure...

I use all my points everyday, but when the scale is up I don't use My AP that I earned that day, and hardly ever do I use the 35 WP that we can use if we want..