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WI tues 4/22


Re: WI tues 4/22

me up .6

holding 5.4 under goal..... maintenace 14 mo now.

Re: WI tues 4/22

Missed my post, I was out of town. Up .2 for last week.

Re: WI tues 4/22

OK folks i went back and read LAST tuesday weigh in rant that i had and this is what i said;

" Ok this is for a Wedneday WI but i usually WI on Tuesday, even though this thread says WI MONDAY. Confused? LOL>

Anyway....ummm, oh my, i had to PAY, YESS that is right i had to pay. A lifetimer.....paid.

All week my scale at home has said UP and i mean UP. At one point it was 164-167..........that is way above where i have been for months. The last time i was 162.4 before today, was December. I dont think it is water, i dont retain water like this...

So until i get this back and down off my hips.butt and thighsssss.......no more eating my AP's or the 35 points. Which isnt something i wasnt doing everyday, but i cant figure out what else it would be so i am back to basics.........doing my points ALLOWED and thats it for the week.

D amn, just think if i DIDNT exercise and sat on my butt and ate and ate and ate.....

With that said, i am up +3. but its coming back off!!!!my goal is 155-157

I am so thankful and grateful that WW has taught me what to do and not freak out when i deal with something like this. I know what to do i know what works, so i just gotta work it...

162.4 ewwwwwww


With that said, i did what i said i was going to do and the results show.

from 162.4 to 156.2

i am down 6.2 pounds SIX!!.TWO

OP, works
Healthy food choices ,works
portion size, works
AP and exercise,works

As they say on TV, diets don't work, weight watchers does.

Keep me in thoughts and prayers everyone. I been in the process of looking for a new job. I would prefer to stay with the company i am with. Currently i am an asst seafood manager in a grocery store. There are only 3 other asst's in my store "region". Around Easter time a seafood manager position had opened in another store and i went on the interview, etc,etc,etc. Had a great interview, good references. Did not hear a thing

Last Friday i got a phone call at home asking if i could come to another store and work all week in the seafood dept.They didn't have to ask twice. I am well aware that something had to happen for them to ask outside of their store. If it was just someone sick,accident, they pull within the store and not outside of it.
I started this past Sunday, the store is 48 miles from me, but they needed someone immediately because they "suspended" their current seafood manager PLUS her back up. I was told the other day to work the dept like i own it and its mine so far, they still have to post the job for 2 weeks. I still have to apply for it.
The manager of the store has worked with me, He was the one who called and asked if i could work.
Its a drive for me but it also twice the money hourly wise and at least 15-20 more hours. Managers work a 43 hour week and then some.

For me to move up in the company i HAVE to drive, there is no locals grocery stores around,so i really have no choice, i either drive or turn down the job. Which i am not going to do. Its an opportunity that i been praying for.

Where i was working, the one lady is retiring next week and the one who was helping me out in seafood now is currently is now moving to the store as a manager in the deli. So one moves out and one moves in.

I think it was meant to be

Re: WI tues 4/22


NEW AKUS hmmmmm that sounds good...

down 6.2 holy smokes good going girlfriend...

toot that horn.....