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I thought it would be nice to do a past,present,future.
We are all a family here, with new ones joining and old ones leaving.
Writing about our experiences of the journey we have all had and wish to have, can encourage others, it may even help us to look back when we hit a "rough" spot on the road.

my real name is Kim, i am 50 years old, Single mom of 2 teens girls. I live in Central Pa and was born./raised in Pittsburgh. Currently i work as an asst seafood manager at a grocery store.
I have always had a weight problem all my life. I joined weight watchers 2 times before this. Lost and gained it all back.
This time i was 227.4 pounds, i joined on March 13,2007. I also started exercising the same day. When i joined i really didnt have a "goal weight" in mind, i just knew i wanted to be thin & healthy. Weight Watchers set the goal at 160. December 12,2007, i weighed 160.2 pounds, 8 months,29 days, to the day i started.
I had lost 67.2 pounds. I went from a size 22-24 to a size 8-10. I went from barely being able to walk without a waddle, to running, doing cardio and toning at least 5-6 times a week
Now i go up and down between 160-155.

I became a lifetime member on Jan. 23,2008.

So that was my past-present......the future i will take this lifestyle with me and hope to influence others that it is never to old to change.

The tools WW taught me about emotional eating, mindless eating, THINKING before i eat. How food does not control me any longer.

It has been worth the journey.

Re: Past-Present-Future

My name is Lisa and I live in Star (outside of Boise) Idaho. I have three children, 7 boy, 5 girl, and 2 girl. I joined WW July 26 2007 after getting my drivers license picture taken and looking at it realizing that I didn't look as good as I thought. I have been dealing with weight all my life, I was overweight (chubby bunny) by Kindergarten. I lost my extra weight by the time I was 16 from a 2 month physical job shoveling mulch on a mountain side in CA with my Grandpa. I did a Richard Simmons diet and exercised while I lived with my Grandpa for that 2 months. I came the same 144 lbs as when I went there but I was muscle and so slim!!! Dang I looked good!!!! (didn't think so then of course)

Of course you get married and have children and I gain 45 lbs each child. I managed to loose the first babys weight fast. The second was quite harder and I went to LA Weightloss (torture!!!) but I lost back to 140 again. However it was not LIVING and eating it was DEPREVATION! I gained 10 lbs back and sat at 150 for a year.

Low and behold I got pregnant with our 3rd. I didn't loose hardly anything after this last baby so I started my weight loss at 188 lbs. I lost 10 lbs by myself after a year (not much) and was so frustrated. Then I joined my friend at WW.

I have lost 20.2 lbs at WW and weigh 159.4. My WW goal is 155 but my personal goal is first 150 then eventually 140 so I can look HOT!!! (that is especially funny because my self esteem doesn't usually allow me to say that. But it's a wish of mine to have that kind of self confidence)

I have always been active but have stepped it up because you 50 year old women are kicking my butt at working out!!!

I almost quit 2 weeks ago but my friend I go to WW with yelled at me, gave me a good pep talk and I have hung in there and lost .6 last week. DON"T GIVE UP!

You guys all ROCK, I love talking to you all and love the support, thanks!

Re: Past-Present-Future


I'm 5'6" and 27 years old (28 next month)

Re: Past-Present-Future

My name is Chelsie Ballard. I am 26 years old. 27 on Saturday so I will lose another point!! I have been married for almost 8 years to my husband Bob but we have been together for 13 years this December. We have three girls 9, 5.5 and 4. I live in Hawarden Iowa now but have lived all around north west iowa my whole life.

I dont really remember worrying about my weight growing up. It really started when I had my kids.
And I had them young so I really hadnt developed very good eating habits yet.

I quit smoking and got pregnant with my 3rd child all with in the same month in July of '03. I went from 147 all the way up to 220. in a matter of 9 months. It probley would have been higher but my doctor told me it wasnt healthy to gain 10 lbs a month. Who would of thought!!

After I had my child I went back up to 220 I remember going and buying 3 10 packs of little candy bars and sitting down eating them all because I had a craving for chocolate.

I went back to work after my 6 weeks home a size 16-18 and increasing. I worked in a factory that produced hats. While I made them my fat rolls would rub together on my stomach. I have always been small up top and I didnt like the feeling of that. I found out a few people at work signed up and I went with them to my very first meeting I knew I had lost a little on my own but I was still very large. And I wasnt eating very much and starving all the time.

I weighed in at 190.4 in may of 04
my goal was 145
I did really well the first 4 months
stayed with the program another year and ended up at 149 in December of 05
I quit because I had started a new job on nights and there were no meetings condusive to my schedule. I mainted 150-157 for the next few years. But not due to eating healthey. I had started smoking again.

This Janurary 2 I quit smoking again. I am happy to say it will be 5 months on this friday smoke free. From Janurary to Feburary of this year I gained 18 lbs. That is what made me come back. I vowed to my self that if I ever went over 160 again I would return. So here I am. In Febuary I weighed in at 167 today I am 158 Total 9 lbs. this time around. It really seems like a lifestyle change this time around. Last time I wanted quick results. This time I gave my self a goal of 25 lbs in a year and if it is more great.

I would like to thank all of you for your advice, encouragement, ideas, kicks in the butt, and most of all your time that all of you dedicate to posting on here. I know that the support I receive from this message board is one reason I am able to make it through the week.

you all have a great night!!

Re: Past-Present-Future

My name is Lorraine I'm 43 married to Bill with 2 girls Madison 10 and Mackenzie 8 and my dog Max 2. we live in Boca Raton Florida and I'm a hairdresser.
I did ww twice in 22 years and its the only diet that I got to goal on both times I got lifetime. This time I'm doing everything in my power to stay there.
I weighed in at ww on Feb 12 2007 at 193 and got to my ww goal of 155 on July 02. I've lost 12 more to get to my goal of 143 to make it a 50 1bs loss.
My future is to not let anything de rail me and get used to my healthy ways so they are no normal I forget my bad habits.
When I joined this site most of us wernt at goal and we did this journey together. New members I feel your wish to be where we are and it will come fairly easily if you commit to be op everyday. For me maintaing is like losing those last few 1bs every week and its hard but getting easier.

Re: Past-Present-Future

Ok here goes for me..
My name is Tobe and I'm at the big 60, ha old enough to be your mother to you girls in your 20's.. I have two children a daughter, CAtherine age going on 40 and a son Marc going on age 36, and now I've been blessed with 3 terrifc grandaughters, Jessie age 10
Nicole age 8 (my daughters two) and then I have
Lindsey age 4, (my son)

I live in New Jersey smack dab on the Atlantic Ocean, I moved here 10 yrs ago from North Jersey, as both my kids were married and time to move on, being I'm a widow (hate that word) I needed a change to leave my past behind and move on, I had a great marriage for 20 years which ended when my husband at the time of age 42 was dx with brain cancer and a year later passed away..

I also had a problem with weight all my life, but I never let it get out of hand, I came from a family of health nuts, so it was planted into my head to take care of myself..

I've been on and off with WW since my son was 2, lost about 30 lbs hit goal, became lifetime and on and off over the next gang of years it was in and out of WW, I never let more than 20 to 25 lbs pile up on me.
but losing that small amount to me was like someone that needed to lose 100.

I walked back into WW Oct of 06 with a whopping 23 lbs on my body that I hated, and I was out the point of not wanting to get dressed, let alone go out, I hated the way I was.
In Oct when I went back to WW, I put my hand on the door of the center. and vowed in my head, this was it, this was the last time ever stepping thru the door again to start over.
It took me 6 full months to get the weight off, never missing a Weigh In, I hit goal in March of 07 closer to April and have been maintaining that loss ever since, again never missing a WI, well maybe 2 so far, and thats because I was out of the country. cruising around the Carribean..

THis today is my lifestyle and if I take this program
just one day at a time, one meal at a time, I will maintain my success.

A big part of my program is the gym. to firm and stay fit and active..

Lastly I have to say, if I can do this anybody can..

TOday I eat to live not live to eat!!!!!

Re: Past-Present-Future

Well, I'm Carrie. Married to Mark for 13 years next month. I have 2 boys, ages 9 1/2 (Brady) and Brennan (3) and a cat (Phoebe). I would say I've always been obsessed with my weight. As a teenager, I always compared myself to my friends weight/dress sizes. I can remember getting together with some of my girlfriends and eating an entire bag of Oreo's and then excusing myself to make myself sick. I also started going for days at a time barely eating anything. So, I've had my share of "issues" with food. I was a size 8-10 when I got married and then after that first year, that's when the weight started coming on. I had a lot of changes in my life at that time. I finished college, we moved out of town, and I was traveling an hour to work. I no longer had time for my friends and I felt very alone. The weight gain wasn't drastic at first, but people started making comments about it (yes, even to my face) and it made me extremely depressed and the more depressed I was, the more I ate. You all know the cycle. I even had people telling me I must be pregnant...which was not the case and it made me all the more upset. So, for the next several years, my weight went up and it fluctuate with both pregnancies. My highest weight was 250 and that was in Dec. 2006. I'm embarrassed to write that, but that was then and this is now. I decided to do something about it after running into people that didn't recognize me...humiliation I guess, but it has worked. I had done WW back in 1998 and lost 30 before I found out I was pregnant and it was the only plan my doctor would recommend that worked. So, I began counting points again and here I am. I've made this my lifestyle. I've lost 75 lbs. Went from a size 22 to a 14. In the last couple months, I've been seeing a doctor for a newly diagnosed thyroid problem (which probably started to go out of whack come to find out all those years back when the weight started coming on). I was working out pretty faithfully, until they put me on meds, and now I have to do it when I have the energy, but I love to work out. I love experimenting in the kitchen. I feel better about how I look and I've definately have better coping skills these days. I still have about another 35-40 lbs. to go, but I know I'll get there. I'm so glad I found this board and all of you b/c you all have been great to talk to and have been my support system (I'm doing the at home program)--the best cyber buddies anyone could ask for!!!

Re: Past-Present-Future

I guess I am next. LOL

I am Ilse, age 40, married for almost 17 years (EEK)to Scott. We have 3 kids, Wes is soon to be 13, Anna just turned 9, and Mitch is soon to be 6. We live in the country in Ohio and have 2 parakeets, a cockatiel, an old fat cat, 2 hamsters, and a turtle.

As a kid I never had weight problems. I was always the skinny one. I took a size 0 through junior high and early high school. Then, when I turned 16, things changed. I was very unhappy and turned to food for comfort. I gained weight and I knew I was getting heavy. I remember a humiliating moment when my mom had made sloppy joes for a picnic. I went in to get seconds and they were gone. I asked my mom if there was more and she said no. I said something about wanting another one and she snapped at me and told me that I had enough. I could tell that she was getting upset with the weight gain. I started watching what I was eating and being more active (no WW yet) and the weight came off. Don't ask me how, but I got normal with food and ate typically.

Life was fine, I got married and then the first 2 kids came. With each one I gained the usual 35 pounds, but it didn't always all come off. In 2000, my husband took up bicycling for exercise and wanted to try to eat healthier. Initially, I would just watch as he pedaled off into the distance. After a few months, I started to feel guilty - like I should be exercising too. So I took up bicycling too. I was in such terrible shape, that I started with only 10 minutes on an exercise bike. That was enough. It was then, that we started together on WW. We counted points, and exercised and got helathier. Then in 2002, we had a surprise pregnancy. I ate like there was no tomorrow. I can't explain it, but I gained WAY too much weight. When Mitch was born, I swore I would get that weight off and I began on WW again. I rode my bike and it came off, but then I yo-yo'd back and forth for awhile before I got so disgusted that I decided to make this permanent.

The weight has stayed off for almost 2 years now. The keys for me are daily accountability with food and riding my bike. I accept that I will count points for the rest of my life. That's okay with me. It is worth it to be healthy. I am now about 13 pounds below goal and I attribute that to regular exercise. I also feel it gives me some leeway. I know as I get older, it will get harder to maintain, so I must exercise. It is worth it to me to exercise each day to be able to eat a little more. I truly love to eat, and it would show if I didn't exercise and watch portions.

I love this board and I am so grateful that you are all here. It means the world to me to have friends like all of you and to know that I am not alone in my struggles with food.


Re: Past-Present-Future

I forgot to say...I'm 34 yrs. old and live in Avon, Indiana.

Re: Past-Present-Future

Where to start? I'm Pat I'm 59 and have been married to Jim for 37 years. We have one son who is 33. We live in Western NY near Rochester but are from the midwest. Jim from Ohio me-I was raised all over the world since my dad was career Army but family is in Indiana. I am an RN.
I've always been overweight. I can remember in 6th grade having to go to the nurse's office for everyone to be measured and weighed. They yelled the numbers across the room and I was 148#. My dad was always making comments about my weight. His favorite was calling me "Crisco Kid" (lard in the can). Mom had me on diets since I can remember. Tobe do you remember Metracal? I took that to school for lunch. I became a sneak eater and never overate in front of people. When I was married I weighed 165 and felt HUGE. I'd give anything to be there now. Gained 65# with my son and I'm still wearing it.
I've been on every diet known to man. Even did Optifast (Dr. supervised liquid diet). Lost 65# and regained all that plus more.
Last March I was working at a health fair and we were measuring body fat %. I did it and saw that my body was 49% fat. That number hit me right between the eyes. I joined WW that week at 276#. It must have been the right time because while I won't say it has been effortless, my WW journey has been OK. I lose slowly and have lost 57 # in just over 1 year. I'm pleased with my progress. I started at a 3X or 26W and now in a 16W jeans.
I am also diabetic but hope with my next blood work that I may get to come off my meds.
My hubby is very supportative and will eat almost anything I put in front of him. That makes a big difference not having to make 2 meals.
Well, that's my story in a nutshell.
My future will be at goal and staying healthy. I've learned to enjoy working out and try to get to the gym most days (whenever I'm not working). I've decided that exercising is my job, but occasionally have to do something that makes money. I'm fortunate that I only work sporatically. We do health fairs for corporations and flu shot clinics. I can also turn down any jobs that I don't want to do.


Re: Past-Present-Future

matracal uck!!! can't say i ever went that route, but I can say and I did leave out my addiction to
diet pills.
I knew every doctor in CT, NY and parts of NJ that gave them out like candy, but.. that was a very long time ago..

Sure speeding around, will make one lose weight, but lookng back not a good way to lose... bad stuff!!!
once you stop the pills, the weight comes back and doubled or tripled,

Thats still a demon I fight today, addictions not only to food but other things also, where I have a program to go daily to keep myself in complete control of me..

Thought I'd throw that out here...

Re: Past-Present-Future

My name is Cheryl Martin. I am 57 years old and am married for the second time. The first time I was married for 18 years before he decided the grass was greener on the other side of the fence. I have been married 18 years this time also but I think he thinks the grass is plenty green on this side and I am a little more vocal about things then I was before. I have 2 daughters ages 32 and 30 and a son who is deceased. I also have a 12 year old grandson.

During my first marriage I joined and rejoined WW many times but the spouse was always sabotaging me although he drastically needed to take a great deal of weight off himself. I had not returned to WW for at least 25 years although during that time I tried many other plans such as Optifast twice and I lost to goal both times, NutriSystem, Physicians Weight Loss, diet pills when I was young and again about 15 years ago. It was Redux that was eventually pulled off the market that I was on the last time.

I became over weight when I was in the fifth grade of school when I had to go on bedrest during the summer due to an illness. From then on it was a constant battle. When I became pregnant for my daughters I lost weight because I was eating healtier. I am an emotional eater. Especially during boredom. Being at the computer helps me a lot. I easily lose track of time.

I decided to give WW another try when I had gone to the doctor and he did an ICG on me to get a picture of what the inside of my body looked like and if he needed to be more agressive in my treatment. When he got the results standing in front of me he had such a look of shock on his face that I was concerned. He said that the test looked great. He was assuming that since my outside appearance was so unhealthy that the inside must be so. When I walked out of the office I decided to do something about that. So October 4, 2006 I entered a WW meeting at my church weighing in at 189.5 #. My highest weight that I know of was 207. This was something new for me because I had never done the point system before and not having to eat 5 fish meals a day and no liver was a releif. I had been at goal before so I was already a lifetime member but I had to call the office because I had no idea where my book and number was and my name had changed too.

I again reached goal in June of 2007 and I have been below goal ever since...this is the longest I have ever been at goal and I know that now it is a lifestyle. I listen to people at my meetings talking about when they could eat those types of meals again and I think I hope they get a mind adjustment because I believe they were not thinking of eating with portion control or counting points.

As everyone else has said before me it becomes a way of life. My workouts have become part of my daily routine like taking a shower. Because I was not as loyal to working out when at goal before was one of the reasons I did not maintain as well. I have found several different things to do for a workout to keep things interesting.

Although the cost of food has been higher we actually spend about the same due to not eating out near as much and surprisingly it is just as quick with a little preplanning.

I am an LPN that works for the Zanesville City School District doing Hearing and Vision screenings. I live in Zanesville, Ohio.

We generally take a big vacation every year. Last year we did the Amazon and this year we are doing Italy. I am a little concerned about the meals there. Some one told us that the servings are gigantic. We may have to put a hold on vacations for a year or two after this one with the dollar in Europe. We have no children at home and my spouse is retired but holds a little parttime job as the custodain at his church and traveling is what we like to do.

Hope I have not rambled on and on and this makes sense.

Re: Past-Present-Future

I so much emjoyed reading about everyone.

It is like meeting everyone, without meeting. Very cool!!